After updating a multisite installation to WP 3.8, when in the My Sites Dashboard, hovering over "Themes" or "Plugins", no submenu pops out. There are however submenus popping out of "Sites", "Users", and "Settings".

I found advice elsewhere to disable plugins one by one, and make sure a standard theme is being used. However, with a multisite installation I suppose there is no way to make sure a standard theme is being used (unless all sites are changed to that theme).

Any ideas how to understand and fix this situation? Is there anywhere to locate an error message?

I should mention that one of the sites is using a private plugin that I wrote, but it does not seem to have any problems as far as I can tell.

  • 2
    If you can install this: wordpress.org/plugins/query-monitor It has a debug bar which may be of help identifying the error Commented May 14, 2014 at 22:01
  • Thanks @CraigPearson I installed that, but it is not obvious what to do next... it does not seem to be showing any major errors. Commented May 15, 2014 at 20:09
  • Have you clicked the dropdown and inspected the items under "PHP Errors" or "PHP Warnings"? This is a wildshot but generally this happens when the correct version of jQuery is not loading for the dashboard. While logged in you could check this in your browser. I.e. in Chrome right click and choose inspect element - go to the console tab and see if there are any undefined errors thrown this will confirm the issue. Or, in the Elements tab search for jQuery and ensure the correct version is loaded. WP 3.9 should have jQuery V1.11.0. WP 3.8 should have jQuery 1.10.2 Commented May 15, 2014 at 20:39
  • @CraigPearson the Html shows that there is not supposed to be any submenu under Plugins and Themes and there is no js error reported, but I still kind of think you are onto something. .. Commented May 15, 2014 at 21:28
  • We can confirm JS is the error by placing: define('SCRIPT_DEBUG', true); in your wp-config file in the root of your install and see if your issue "goes away". I'm going to take a really wild guess here and presume you have a caching plugin enabled or some kind of issue with loading JS from a CDN. If you do have a caching plugin like W3 Total Cache then network disable that to test the results Commented May 15, 2014 at 23:44

1 Answer 1


This is a wildshot but generally this happens when the correct version of jQuery is not loading for the dashboard.

While logged in you could check this in your browser. I.e. in Chrome right click and choose inspect element - go to the console tab and see if there are any undefined errors thrown this will confirm the issue.

Or, in the Elements tab search for jQuery and ensure the correct version is loaded.

WP 3.9 should have jQuery V1.11.0 WP 3.8 should have jQuery V1.10.2

We can further help confirm JS is the error by placing: define('SCRIPT_DEBUG', true); in your wp-config file in the root of your install and see if your issue "goes away".

  • Actually it's still not working, but the jQuery thing may turn out to be the solution yet... Commented May 16, 2014 at 0:27

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