I'm playing around with a test site and I've set up a static page as home page.
Now I want to make a menu item called Blog
- with url example.com/blog/
- where I'll list the latest articles. I made a custom page template and changed the WP_Query
so that it queries a list of 10 latest posts. I then created a page and set the permalink to example.com/blog/
For the permalinks, I'm using a custom structure /blog/%postname%/
so that my blog posts are like example.com/blog/post-name
The issue: I would also want that the monthly archive page and the category list page also use that custom page I made instead of their respective template files.
Or another solution I was thinking about is to get the normal archive page to work without using the custom page pointing to example.com/blog
I'm kinda confused about how to implement the solution.