I'm working on a custom shortcode:
[abuzz-store slug="woolworths" fields="description,level,phone" more="true"]
The shortcode is working correctly on the website frontend. However, I can no longer save edits to pages in wp-admin. Various PHP errors are thrown from trying to execute the shortcode outside of the proper template.
Here is the shortcode functionality:
* [indo_store_details_shortcode description]
* @param [type] $atts [description]
* @return [type] [description]
function indo_store_details_shortcode($atts)
$options = shortcode_atts(array(
// Abuzz Store slug
'slug' => '',
// Abuzz Store fields to display (title, description, level, phone)
'fields' => '',
// Display a link to further store details (store page)
'more' => false,
), $atts);
// sanity checks
if (!$options['slug']) return '';
// if (is_admin()) return '';
$output = '';
// retrieve store information
$store = get_posts(array(
'name' => $options['slug'],
'post_type' => 'store',
// determine fields to display
$fields = explode(',', $options['fields']);
$output .= '<article class="abuzz-store">';
// title field
if (in_array('title', $fields)) {
$output .= sprintf('<h2>%s</h2>', $post->post_title);
// "metadata" .options-list
if (in_array('level', $fields) ||
in_array('phone', $fields)) {
$output .= '<ul class="nav options-list">';
// level field
if (in_array('level', $fields)) {
$levels = get_group('Level', $store->ID);
$output .= sprintf('<li class="icon-text"><i class="icon-text__icon icon icon-level-black"></i> %s</li>', indo_combine_levels($levels));
// phone field
if (in_array('phone', $fields)) {
$output .= sprintf('<li class="icon-text"><i class="icon-text__icon icon icon-phone-black"></i> %s</li>', get('phone_number', 1, 1, $store->ID));
$output .= '</ul>';
// description field
if (in_array('description', $fields)) {
$output .= get('information_text', 1, 1, $store->ID);
// "More details" link
if ($options['more']) {
$output .= sprintf('<p><a href="%s" title="More details" class="btn btn--black-arrow icon-text--rev">More details <i class="icon-text__icon icon icon-arrow-white"></i></a></p>', get_permalink($store->ID));
$output .= "</article>\n";
return $output;
add_shortcode('abuzz-store', 'indo_store_details_shortcode');
Error: Fatal error: Call to undefined function get_group() in D:\xampp\htdocs\126-indooroopilly-shopping-centre\www\public_html\wp-content\themes\indooroopilly\include\shortcodes.php on line 90
is a function added by a 3rd party plugin (Magic Fields), which isn't loaded in wp-admin. Which is what I'd expect.
Why is this being executed when the page is saved?