On a WordPress website for a client, he's going to be posting articles with quite a lot of images in. When the post is saved/published, we need to be able to download/save these images to the server, and then instead of showing the original URLs, show the URLs of the image as in the uploads directory.
I've chosen to do this by writing a function in functions.php
and then adding it as a filter. Here is the code I've written so far:
function getpostimgs() {
global $post;
$postContent = $post->post_content;
preg_match_all( '/<img.+src=[\'"]([^\'"]+)[\'"].*>/i', $postContent, $matches );
// match all images in post, add to array and then
// get first array (the one with the image URLs in)
$imgURLs = $matches[1];
$upload_dir = wp_upload_dir(); // Set upload folder
foreach ( $imgURLs as $imgURL ) {
$image_data = file_get_contents( $imgURL ); // Get image data
$filename = basename( $imgURL ); // Create image file name
// check upload file exists and the permissions on it are correct
if( wp_mkdir_p( $upload_dir['path'] ) ) {
$file = $upload_dir['path'] . '/' . $filename . "-" . $post->ID . ".jpg";
} else {
$file = $upload_dir['basedir'] . '/' . $filename . "-" . $post->ID . ".jpg";
// save file to server, with the filename of the image and then the post ID.
file_put_contents( $file, $image_data ); // save the file to the server
// find the occurence of each URL (within the post content)
// that was in the array and replace them with the file link
preg_replace( "*" . $imgURL . "*", $file, $post->post_content );
add_action('content_save_pre', 'getpostimgs');
I've written some comments so hopefully the lines are explained enough for you to understand what's going on.
The problem is, when it's saved (using content_save_pre
, so that it's filtered before being saved to the database), it simply wipes all the content. The files are being saved and I know the value of $matches[1]
is correct (i.e the right image links are there), as I've checked it with var_dump()
So there's something wrong with the preg_replace
. Even if take out all the file stuff and just leave the preg_replace
with a simple replacement string (e.g "Hello world"), it still doesn't work (still just wipes all the post content). Does anyone know why?
Thanks for helping out, hopefully I've been clear enough, happy to provide any more info or make it clearer :)
at the end? Not sure if there isn't a redirect happening. Also take a look at your "Network" tab in the developer tools as this might be an AJAX call/request. Alsopreg_replace()
has a return value: Look at the docs.