I have a custom post "review". It uses the same categories and tags from default posts, so they share "category" and "tag" taxonomies.
But later I changed the "review" register to have their own taxonomies, "review-category", and "review-tag". Of course all tags and categories previously assigned on reviews was unbind from them.
So the question: how can I (if possible) convert all tags and categories only in reviews to the new taxonomies? If I wasn't clear enough:
UPDATE wp_term_taxonomy SET taxonomy='post-tag', parent=0 WHERE taxonomy='tag';
This can convert all "category" to "post-tag", but I need to do it only for reviews. Something like (it doesn't work):
SELECT FROM wp_posts WHERE post_type='review'(
UPDATE wp_term_taxonomy SET taxonomy='post-tag', parent=0 WHERE taxonomy='tag';