I tried combining two conditions: is_page and current_user_can but it didn't work.
Found an example at StackExchange where the user role was spelled out. But the Wordpress codex says "Do not pass a role name to current_user_can(), as this is not guaranteed to work correctly." On the same page, this link is included for reference/further reading: http://docs.appthemes.com/tutorials/wordpress-check-user-role-function/
I tried adapting that code, and added this to my functions.php
function plastics_check_user_role( $role, $user_id = null ) {
if ( is_numeric( $user_id ) )
$user = get_userdata( $user_id );
$user = wp_get_current_user();
if ( empty( $user ) )
return false;
return in_array( $role, (array) $user->roles );
Then, here's what I put in the sidebar.php file:
if (is_page(array('page1')) && plastics_check_user_role('Administrator')) :
echo '<div class="widget-title">Title 1</div>' . wp_nav_menu(array('theme_location'=>'menu1' ));
elseif (is_page(array('page2'))) :
echo '<div class="widget-title">Page 2</div>' . wp_nav_menu(array('theme_location'=>'menu2' ));
elseif (is_page(array('page 3'))) :
echo '<div class="widget-title">Page 3</div>' . wp_nav_menu(array('theme_location'=>'menu3' ));
Still not working. What am I missing? Is it because it's in the sidebar?
I prefer to spell out the role - not specify user capabilities - because my 5 custom user roles have exactly the same capabilities, but I restrict pages based on the role. (Hacky workaround: I could add custom capabilities to each role, but that seems like a strange way of doing it....)