I've used Justin Tadlock's great function for category specific custom post templates many times, where you can use single-cat-id.php for single posts belonging to a specific category. I just ran into a problem though working on a new site that needs to use the single-{posttype} template for a custom post type. The function seems to prevent the custom posts from using single-{posttype} template.

Here's the applicable code:

/* Define a constant path to our single template folder */
define(SINGLE_PATH, TEMPLATEPATH . '/single');

/* Filter the single_template with our custom function*/
add_filter('single_template', 'my_single_template');

/* Single template function which will choose our template*/
function my_single_template($single) {
    global $wp_query, $post;

/* Checks for single template by category. Check by category slug and ID */
foreach((array)get_the_category() as $cat) :

    if(file_exists(SINGLE_PATH . '/single-cat-' . $cat->slug . '.php'))
        return SINGLE_PATH . '/single-cat-' . $cat->slug . '.php';

    elseif(file_exists(SINGLE_PATH . '/single-cat-' . $cat->term_id . '.php'))
        return SINGLE_PATH . '/single-cat-' . $cat->term_id . '.php';


/*Checks for default single post files within the single folder */
if(file_exists(SINGLE_PATH . '/single.php'))
    return SINGLE_PATH . '/single.php';

elseif(file_exists(SINGLE_PATH . '/default.php'))
    return SINGLE_PATH . '/default.php';

return $single; }

Any thoughts on how to modify the following code to allow both the original function of single-cat-id as well as single-{posttype}?

  • Hi Chris, please be sure check out the editting help page for help with formatting your questions.
    – t31os
    Commented Apr 3, 2011 at 23:06

1 Answer 1


You can check for your post type single-{post-type}.php first try this:

/* Define a constant path to our single template folder */
define(SINGLE_PATH, TEMPLATEPATH . '/single');

/* Filter the single_template with our custom function*/
add_filter('single_template', 'my_single_template');

/* Single template function which will choose our template*/
function my_single_template($single) {
    global $wp_query, $post;

/* Checks for single template by post type */
if ($post->post_type == "POST TYPE NAME"){
    if(file_exists(SINGLE_PATH . '/single-' . $post->post_type . '.php'))
        return SINGLE_PATH . '/single-' . $post->post_type . '.php';

/* Checks for single template by category. Check by category slug and ID */
foreach((array)get_the_category() as $cat) :

    if(file_exists(SINGLE_PATH . '/single-cat-' . $cat->slug . '.php'))
        return SINGLE_PATH . '/single-cat-' . $cat->slug . '.php';

    elseif(file_exists(SINGLE_PATH . '/single-cat-' . $cat->term_id . '.php'))
        return SINGLE_PATH . '/single-cat-' . $cat->term_id . '.php';


/*Checks for default single post files within the single folder */
if(file_exists(SINGLE_PATH . '/single.php'))
    return SINGLE_PATH . '/single.php';

elseif(file_exists(SINGLE_PATH . '/default.php'))
    return SINGLE_PATH . '/default.php';

return $single; 

and just replace "POST TYPE NAME" with your custom post type name.

  • Perfect! I knew it was something like this but couldn't quite get it worked out. Many thanks! Commented Apr 4, 2011 at 4:42

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