I have simple post with a shortcode:
And an external file which has the content containing a WordPress shortcode:
[strong] g[/strong]
I try add my own tag to load the external file:
add_filter('the_content', 'WorkWithTags');
function WorkWithTags($content){
$Tag ="xx";
if (preg_match_all('~\['.$Tag.'\](.*?)\[/'.$Tag.'\]~is', $content, $arr))
foreach ($arr[1] as $value)
$newvalue = @file_get_contents($value);//Main String
$content=str_replace($value, $newvalue, $content);
//Delete tags
return $content;
Adding file works good. But the external file contains shortcodes of WordPress. How can I get WordPress to execute all of the shortcodes from this external file?
I try use code by s_ha_dum in functions.php:
function WorkWithTags($atts,$content){
$atts = shortcode_atts(
'tag' => 'xx'
$fo = $atts['tag'];
$content = file_get_contents($fo);//Main String
return do_shortcode($content);
Then I add this shortcode in post:
Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text.
[wwt tag="http://harrix.org/1.txt" /]
Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text.
And I see that in preview of post:
I can not run shortcodes in an external file.