I use wordpress as a cms. I wanted to insert custom data via a form from the frontend in my wordpress site and then echo it on a page somewhere. After learning from here and there I am able to put together a codes below which works. Here is a code of what my form looks like currently.
<form id="costing_submit_form" action="http://somesite.com/..../process-costing.php" method="post">
<input type="hidden" name="costing_submit_date" value="<?php echo $costing_submit_date;?>"/>
<input type="text" id="costing_submit_title" name="costing_submit_title" size="90%" maxlength="150" /><br>
<textarea id="costing_submit_description" name="costing_submit_description" size="90%" cols="60" rows="10 tabindex="15" maxlength="2000" rows="20" required="" /></textarea>
<input type="submit" class="costing_submit_button" name="costing_submit_button" value="SUBMIT COSTING" />
At this point I am able to insert the data and also display it in the frontend using $wpdb. This part of the code is in process-costing.php
which inserts the data in the database table.
global $wpdb;
$costing_submit_date = strip_tags($_POST['costing_submit_date']);
$costing_submit_title = strip_tags($_POST['costing_submit_title']);
$costing_submit_description = strip_tags($_POST['costing_submit_description']);
$table_name = $wpdb->prefix . "costing";
$wpdb->insert( $table_name, array(
'costing_date' => $costing_submit_date,
'costing_title' => $costing_submit_title,
'costing_description' => $costing_submit_description,
Now, I would like to add an image to every entry made, so how do I go about it. If not a complete solution kindly give me a road-map as to what I should be doing or following, what specific functions should I be using ? Even if I am able to upload the image. My main concern is how do I associate the uploaded image to that particular entry
...something like post-thumbnail perhaps ? If possible I would also like to assign a particular folder
to these images. Thanks in advance.