Suddenly one of my test sites became absolutely unresponsive after testing with wp_insert_post( $my_post )

I Installed the black box plugin and checked what queries are slowing it down

I found one that takes 10 seconds to load. I deactivated all plugins that were activated recently but it's still slowing everything down. Also noticed that PHP crashed a couple times due to this. Any ideas what could be causing such a slowdown?

I REMOVED PARTS due to the length (end: WHERE option_name = 'rewrite_rules';)

UPDATE `wp_options` SET `option_value` =
WHERE `option_name` = 'rewrite_rules';

1 Answer 1


The solution was to change the permalink structure from




This magically fixed it - possibly Wordpress queries are not so efficient the other way around or I ran into a bug with a plugin. Anyway, it's blazing fast again, both backend and frontend

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