I have about 10K+ users that I get from a company feed (LDAP). I can authenticate WP via SSO based on someone's username matching on the WP user table. I would like to take the user table I have and combine it with the wp-user table so that I can set permissions, change display name and things like that. Is there a best way to do this?

Also we have about 15 WP installs and will probably have 30 by mid next year. How can I manage these users in one table given that some may have admin rights on one site yet not admin rights on another site?

1 Answer 1


This seems pretty tricky and it depends very much on your needs. You could either alter the WP database on each install or make 1 3rd party database along with a script that registers them on the WP install and sets their permissions. The 2nd solutions seems better for me.

Create a database where you add each user with a row for each WP install where you specify their permissions.

Let's say you have the following permissions: subscriber, contributor, author, editor, admin. Make a database for each user and set their permission. Make a 3rd party script which registers them to the WP installs and sets their permissions. When you change a permission, query the WP installs and update it there.

You will need mostly the WP Database description and wp_update_user function.

  • In a perfect world I would want one table and a "role field" attributed to each WP install. Seems like there would be others that would have ran across something like this before.
    – STing
    Commented Nov 13, 2013 at 4:43

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