So I think I might be doing something fundamentally wrong in my Wordpress themes since this issue seems to crop up every once in a while and I don't know why.

So basically I created search.php and I use relevanssi to sort my search results by relevancy. When I search for "camera" and do echo get_post_type(); I get "reviews" but if I search for "test" and do echo get_post_type(); I get "articles".

I tried injecting wp_reset_query() just about everywhere to try and see if I was changing it randomly but it's not that. I think WP is confused since my search result page isn't really linked with any specific page so it is not set to a specific post type. Is there a way to have it be a page?

Any help is appreciated


I added the code below. In the var_dump I just see the query stuff but get_post_type() is different on every search term.



global $query_string;

$query_args = explode("&", $query_string);
$search_query = array();

foreach($query_args as $key => $string) {
    $query_split = explode("=", $string);
    $search_query[$query_split[0]] = urldecode($query_split[1]);
} // foreach

$args = array(
    'posts_per_page' => get_option('posts_per_page'),
    's' => $search_query['s']

echo get_post_type() .'<br>';

$search = new WP_Query($args);

if( $search->have_posts() ) {
    while( $search->have_posts() ) {

        include( get_template_directory() . '/includes/templates/search_result.inc.php' );      


<a id="ld-more" href="#search">Load more search results</a>
  • 2
    where do you call get_post_type (show us the code), and why are the results you're getting unexpected (what do you expect it to return)?
    – Milo
    Commented Nov 5, 2013 at 15:26
  • I think it is more likely that you are confused about how WordPress works :) Post your relevant code please.
    – s_ha_dum
    Commented Nov 5, 2013 at 15:29
  • To be more specific: please post your search.php template code. Commented Nov 5, 2013 at 15:29
  • Oops sorry guys, search.php content would be extremely handy! I edited the original question with the code. I think this might be a situation where I've misunderstood something in theme development and I've been doing it wrong all this time (hence why I'm trying to solve this once and for all haha)
    – Gazillion
    Commented Nov 5, 2013 at 15:31
  • Next question: why are you hijacking the default search query? If the sole purpose is to modify the posts per page, then pre_get_posts is your new best friend. :) Commented Nov 5, 2013 at 15:32

1 Answer 1


Your problem is almost certainly that you've created a second query. That query is going to be out of sync with the main query, hence you are getting unexpected results.

From what I can see, you aren't really doing anything that the main query doesn't already do, so I think you really only need the Loop itself.


if( have_posts() ) {
    while( have_posts() ) {

        include( get_template_directory() . '/includes/templates/search_result.inc.php' );      


<a id="ld-more" href="#search">Load more search results</a>
  • Hmm well that solved the problem where I had no results but the post type is still random. Is there a way (and must I) tell wordpress that my search.php is a "page" the same way you set a page to be your blog and your front page?
    – Gazillion
    Commented Nov 5, 2013 at 16:02
  • 2
    @Gazillion a search results page isn't a page, it's a search. the post type isn't random, it's the post type of post(s) in your search results. maybe you should back up a few steps and explain why you want it to behave as a page.
    – Milo
    Commented Nov 5, 2013 at 16:11
  • 1
    Hmm I guess I assumed that it had to be associated with something. In my header code I have a check for a specific sidebar that only appears for a specific post type and since the post type seemed random I would sometimes get the sidebar and sometimes not. Seeing how this is the correct behaviour I just added an is_search check and it works now. I'll just have to be more mindful in the future. I'll mark this answer as correct since it fixed another issue I was having! :)
    – Gazillion
    Commented Nov 5, 2013 at 16:56

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