I'm trying to make a list of users come up in a widget in the admin dashboard. So far i've got it showing up, but I want the list to show a custom field from the user's profile instead of the normal display_name or ID.
My code so far:
function wps_userlist_dw() {
wp_dropdown_users(array('name' => 'author',
'exclude' => '1',
'name' => 'author',
'selected' => $user_id,
'show' => 'ID'
function add_wps_userlist_dw() {
wp_add_dashboard_widget( 'wps_userlist_dw', __( 'Select a User Below' ), 'wps_userlist_dw' );
add_action('wp_dashboard_setup', 'add_wps_userlist_dw' );
So instead of ID, i need a custom field (made via Cimy Extra User Fields - http://wordpress.org/plugins/cimy-user-extra-fields/). Lets say the custom field's name that i want to show is 'COMPANYNAME'.
Any thoughts? If i put in 'COMPANYNAME' in the 'show' value, the whole function doesn't show up.