I'm using the WP Alchemy Metabox PHP class (www.farinspace.com/wpalchemy-metabox/) to add a custom meta box with a radio select to a custom post type. The code below shows the code I'm using for the meta box, which works great.
Does anyone know how I could set the first value, 'none', as default checked?
<label>Feature project for category?</label>
<?php $feature_cats = array('none', 'courtyard-gardens', 'external-commercial', 'internal-commercial', 'internal-domestic', 'international', 'show-gardens'); ?>
<?php foreach ($feature_cats as $i => $feature_cat): ?>
<input type="radio" name="<?php $mb->the_name(); ?>" value="<?php echo $feature_cat; ?>"<?php $mb->the_radio_state($feature_cat); ?>/> <?php echo $feature_cat; ?><br/>
<?php endforeach; ?>