I want to code a plug-in that creates new custom home page. Note that I have never coded any plug-in before.

1) After activation of plug-in user needs to go to the options of the plug-in and set up that current home page will be replaced by the one that this plug-in generates ( I hope I can code this bit somehow in the future )

2) Plug-in generates custom home page that displays only

  • title and body of the latest post
  • number of comments

Could someone help me how to code the 2) ?

Currently I have one php file that is very simple plug-in. I can activate / deactivate it but I don't know how to code the home page.

I'll be using WP 3.6

1 Answer 1


An Active Plugin

To make an active plugin, use the following resources:

From the following StackExchange thread, try to understand what are the Hooks and what are things acting behind a plugin:

Template Hiearchy

Then you will need to learn the WordPress Template Hierarchy. For WordPress Template hierarchy consult the Codex page for Template Hierarchy#In Detail. Get idea about the Home Page Display and Front Page Display template settings.

Custom Home Page

Now try to find out a way to make your own custom home page. Use whether the front-page.php or home.php template and display your own homepage. Hook to wp_head() on the header.php to echo your custom codes/ custom template other than the default one. Hook some code to overwrite the Settings > Reading rules in WP-Admin.

REMEMBER: All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy - so implement, initiate, and integrate what you've learnt. Don't wait to someone will appear with a bunch of code and you'll paste 'em to make your own. "cerca trova" - "Seek and ye shall find". Good luck.

  • Great lead! Now my plug-in outputs html before the theme does. But how can I make it so the current theme doesn't output anything?
    – Radek
    Commented Aug 17, 2013 at 2:42

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