Removing RewriteBase / from my htacess has sped up my site which is still working correctly. Is it really required and what is it for?

1 Answer 1


'RewriteBase /' is not needed. RewriteBase allows you to change your internal directory structure to something other than what a browser sees. IE: If all your files are in 'http://mydomain.com/site', but you wanted 'http://mydomain.com' to be the path browsers see, you would use a RewriteBase /site and apache's mod_rewrite would happily add that substitution for you.

A RewriteBase / is not necessary.

  • I guess if it were required - my site would break? Commented Feb 26, 2011 at 10:43
  • oops - it does break the site. Without it /wp-admin/ uses the user path in Apache... /usr/www/ etc - it looks like it is necessary for Worpdress to function correctly. Commented Feb 27, 2011 at 16:05

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