I have number of pages that have had the urls changed, how can I setup a list of old urls and set the new urls they should point to?

Thanks, Paul

4 Answers 4


This plugin does the job very well.


Try these plugins:

quick-pagepost-redirect-plugin (set redirects manually)

Permalink Finder (finds missing pages and redirects to most likely candidate)

I use them together and they work great. I used to use the "Page Links To" plugin as mentioned above, which works ok but with the quick-pagepost-redirect-plugin plugin you can create redirects all from one screen and you don't have to create unneccessary pages.


I've used the "Page Links To" plugin in successfully in the past to redirect old pages. http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/page-links-to/

You'd have to create pages or posts with the old URL to the new URL and specify the new URL at the bottom of the editor page.


or if you'd like a non-plugin solution, the synta your .htaccess file is (for a 301 permanent redirect):

RedirectPermanent /path/to/old-url /the-path/to/the-new-url

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