I'm search the topic about how to use tinymce in wordpress 3.5.1 and i not found. I'm writing plugin and i have textarea that i want to add timymce into What should i do to add tinymce into suppose that i have textarea like this

<textarea class="focus_des" name="focus_des" id="focus_des" ></textarea>
  • You should use wp_editor() to create TinyMCE instances.
    – Pat J
    Commented May 22, 2013 at 12:19

1 Answer 1


Use wp_editor(). There are many configuration options; you have to read the source to get all of them.


$editor_settings =  array (
    'textarea_rows' => 15,
    'media_buttons' => FALSE,
    'teeny'         => TRUE,
    'tinymce'       => TRUE,
    'dfw'           => FALSE,

$content = $get_option( 'your_option_name' );
wp_editor( $content, 'your_editor_id', $editor_settings );

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