I have started a very simple wordpress blog for a hockey pool I run. The site is located at: http://thekeeperpool.wordpress.com/
I manage the actual stats counting and player movement using a local application I made in c#. I have written some logic to output the HTML needed for the body of each persons team page. (e.g. http://thekeeperpool.wordpress.com/andrews-team/) Right now, I need to open up each of the 6 team pages, press the edit button to bring up the page's html, and then paste then new version of the body HTML in. I am looking for a way to automate this.
I have looked at the wordpress REST API, and it seems like it has the features I would need (http://developer.wordpress.com/docs/api/1/post/sites/%24site/posts/%24post_ID/) but I have no idea how to use this API. Am I headed in the right direction? How do I use this API in a script running on my local machine to access my blog, hosted by wordpress?