I have just purchased a theme called HQ Photography from themeforest which has a custom post type called gallery
I can add images from my hard drive no problem - but if I click the media tab and select an image the 'Insert into post button' is missing
I found a site which suggested I needed to add a custom filter to functions.php
add_filter('get_media_item_args', 'force_send_to_post');
function force_send_to_post($vars) {
$vars['send'] = true; // 'send' as in "Send to Editor"
This brings the button back but the button then does nothing.
Does anyone one know what could be wrong?
UPDATE: It seams the above function does work! - however only for images that are 'unattached' - once an image has been 'attached' the insert into post does nothing
Can you attach images to multiple posts?