Here is my url to a custom type :


When I go to this link, I'm redirected to


which results in a 404 error.

I use Rewrite Rule Inspector wordpress plugin for listing the matching rewrite rules.

It appears that my url matches three rules : (regex new-url source)

  • movie/([^/]+)(/[0-9]+)?/?$ index.php?post_type=movie&name=$matches[1]&page=$matches[2] movie
  • (.?.+?)(/[0-9]+)?/?$ index.php?pagename=$matches[1]&page=$matches[2] page
  • [^/]+/([^/]+)/?$ index.php?attachment=$matches[1] post

Witch one Wordpress will choose for resolving my url ? Why do I have a 404 error ?

1 Answer 1


I think it matches the first one in the array. So you enter specific rules above more general ones. In your case it should be matching the movie rule if it has a lower array index number than the other ones.

  • Ok, but why do I get a 404 error ?
    – Stephan
    Commented Oct 12, 2012 at 7:49
  • You'll have to share your code for us to figure that out.
    – Abdussamad
    Commented Oct 12, 2012 at 9:23
  • which part of my code should I send ?
    – Stephan
    Commented Oct 12, 2012 at 10:10
  • Share the part that creates the custom post type. If you are pluging into the action generate_rewrite_rules to create your own rewrite rules we need to see that too. Finally if you are using add_permastruct show us that code too. Basically everything to do with URL rewriting.
    – Abdussamad
    Commented Oct 13, 2012 at 11:13
  • Also use the download option in rewrite rules inspector to grab your rewrite rules. Upload them to pastebin.com or some such site and post the link here.
    – Abdussamad
    Commented Oct 13, 2012 at 13:59

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