I am trying to create a custom template that can give the following effect...

  • Category Name A (with image)

    • post with category name A
    • post 2 with category name A
    • post 3 with category name A
  • Category Name B (with image)

    • post with category name B
    • post 2 with category name B
    • post 3 with category name B

Should I do this with custom post types? If so, do I have create two, or can I manage this with one custom post type?

1 Answer 1


I am not sure I understand exactly the problem, but If I do - there is absolutely no need for a custom post type.

all you have to do is use multiple loops and basically divide the query into sub-loops for each category .

<div id="cat-1">
     <?php query_posts('cat=1&posts_per_page=5');// put relevant category and number of posts
         if (have_posts()) : while (have_posts()) : the_post();
         // Do whatever ...
     endwhile; endif; reset_query();?>


<div id="cat-2">
     <?php query_posts('cat=2&posts_per_page=1');// put relevant category and number of posts
          if (have_posts()) : while (have_posts()) : the_post();
          // Do whatever ..
     endwhile; endif; reset_query(); ?>

<div id="cat-3">
     <?php query_posts('cat=3&posts_per_page=-1');// put relevant category and number of posts
          if (have_posts()) : while (have_posts()) : the_post();
          // Do whatever ..
     endwhile; endif; reset_query();?>
</div>..etc.. etc..

Note that you can do the same using Loops with query_posts() , Loops with WP_Query() or Loops with get_posts().

regarding the image - I am not sure what Image you want - but if you refer to a category image (special image assigned to categories) you will need to use some plugin like these ..

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