GOAL: I want to use custom menus for two different kinds of users. For instance, I want to Merchant users to be able to use Merchant menu, and Owner for Owner menu.
I do not have enough reputation, this image is in the admin menu panel which has theme location with custom menu selection. http://dl.dropbox.com/u/6520543/custom%20menu.jpg
- wp_terms holds names of custom menus with term_id.
- wp_term_taxonomy holds term_id from wp_terms with taxonomy as "nav_menu" and number of menu items saved under each custom menu as count column.
"function register_custom_nav" and "register_nav_menus" work, but I can't find a clue how it selects which custom menu is selected for users. If I can find where it's loading the selected custom menu somewhere in the code or db, I can just change upon user's login. I think it's definitely in the DB where it selects the custom menu id, but I can't find.
Does anyone know how????