Hi Currently i am developing a sub plugin for my own main plugin. Please see the main plugin code below

class MyClass
    function __construct()

        function test1()
            echo 'hii- test1';

    function autoload_function()
        $my_array = array(

        foreach ($my_array as $my_function)



$var = new MyClass();


My sub plugin need to add more values to $my_array and i am allowed to use do_action or apply_filtere in main plugin.

I added apply_filters, so that i can modify the $my_array in my sub plugin.


class MyClass
    function __construct()

        function test1()
            echo 'hii- test1';

    function autoload_function()
        $my_array = array(

        apply_filters('modify_array', $my_array);
        foreach ($my_array as $my_function)



$var = new MyClass();


In my sub plugin i checked the filter and i can see that filter is working perfectly so that i can modify the value of $my_array in my sub plugin.


add_filter ('modify_array', 'modify_array_function', 0);

function modify_array_function($my_array){
 array_push($my_array, 'test2')

Here i can see that new value is added to array but now i have to define test2 function inside my sub plugin .

function test2(){
 echo 'hii- test2';

When i write test2 function in my sub plugin i am getting below error .

Warning: call_user_func() expects parameter 1 to be a valid callback, class 'MyClass' does not have a method 'test2'

Now how can i solve this ? Do i need to add more action or filters in the sub plugin .

The issue is due to call_user_func('test2'); is called inside my-class.php but the test2 function is defined outside mycalss. It is defined inside my sub plugin.

Please help to solve this error.

  • Is test2 a member function of your class? Can't you just make it a user defined function, and call it from anywhere then?
    – Howard E
    Commented Jan 1, 2022 at 17:18
  • Are you sure the main method is working? It should fail with "expects parameter 1 to be a valid callback, function 'test1' not found" already, see this online example.
    – kero
    Commented Jan 4, 2022 at 11:34
  • @kero thanks for checking. I have modified my code. please see this 3v4l.org/eBnNH Commented Jan 5, 2022 at 3:45
  • @SallyCJ While I like the metaphor, it certainly isn't true for PHP.
    – kero
    Commented Jan 7, 2022 at 18:03
  • @kero thanks, and yes, because your foo() function was defined in the same scope, and that's what I meant by "be defined before being called".. Anyway, I think I have misunderstood OP, hence I deleted all my previous comments. And I've posted an answer, so if you noticed anything (wrong), let me know..
    – Sally CJ
    Commented Jan 9, 2022 at 1:13

1 Answer 1


So I presumed your sub plugin loads after the main one, right?

Here i can see that new value is added to array but now i have to define test2 function inside my sub plugin

If you're certain test2 successfully added to the array and that test2 was being called from MyClass::autoload_function(), then you can try using an early hook like init to define test2, like so:

/* Plugin Name: My Sub Plugin */

// Defines the test2() function.
function my_define_test2() {
    function test2(){
        echo 'hii- test2';

// Now hook on init to ensure test2() is defined before your main plugin
// is loaded.
add_action( 'init', 'my_define_test2', 1 );

// And then add test2() to $my_array (that you defined in the main plugin).
add_filter( 'modify_array', 'modify_array_function' );
function modify_array_function( $my_array ) {
    array_push( $my_array, 'test2' );
    return $my_array; // remember, filters must always return something =)

If however MyClass is instantiated immediately when WordPress loads the plugin, i.e. something like so, then I don't think it's possible for you to define test2 before MyClass is instantiated. Unless maybe, if you use a Must Use plugin.

/* Plugin Name: My Main Plugin */

class MyClass { ... }

$var = new MyClass();

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