I've recently added a new field into the User Profile section of my blog So that I may define the gender of the user.
On the author bio section I have this code:
$authorgender = strtolower(get_the_author_meta('gender'));
if ($authorgender = "male") {
$genderoutput = "his";
} else {
$genderoutput = "her";
And the place i'm using it is:
<p><a href="<?php the_author_meta('url'); ?>" target="_blank" title="<?php the_author(); ?>'s website (new window)">Check out <?php echo $genderoutput; ?> website</a>
I have two users, One myself which I changed the gender to 'Male' and one a random woman called sally-louise-fredericke-swann and her gender was set to 'Female'.
However, the $genderoutput generates 'his' for both users. Not happy :/
Any Ideas?