my issue is similar to the one addressed in this question (WP won't save changes in post (any)

Long story short: all of a sudden 3 wordpress install stopped working. I type a post, hit "save as draft" - or publish - and everything seems fine at first look, but actually the post is not saved. If I go back to the dashboard > All posts, the post has been saved with title "Quick draft" and is completely emtpy. Also permalink is not saved. Oddly enough I can save a draft post using the dashboard home feature - the small box that lets you add content quickly from the dashboard home page. I can also upload images but I cannot set a featured image - the loader keeps spinning but the image is not attached to the post.

I suspected a cache issue, so I cleared the cache from my Hosting panel, but had no luck. I tried the Health Check diagnostic, but the plug-in diagonstic was fine. I disabled all the plug-ins, reverted to TwentyTwenty theme, cleared cache again, but still no way to save a post.

I contacted the hosting provider had a chat with a customer care rep who flushed the cache and I manage to save one post, but after that I had the same problem again. Wordpress is up-to-date (version 5.5.1) and the dev versions of two of the websites work on my local install - so I don't think it's a plug-in conflict. As a workaround I managed to write the post on the local version, export it and then importing on the live website and it works, except that the post doesn't have a featured image (it doesn't get imported).

EDIT I tried to add a new post using the Classic Editor plug-in that I deactivated long ago. And now I can save posts as long as I keep on using it. So Gutenberg seems the problem. This is just a workaround, unfortunately.

The hosting provider says it's a development issue and I should ask a developer, since everything's ok on their side.

Any suggestion before changing the hosting provider?

  • It does sound like a development issue to me, but try deactivating all plugins, switch to the Twenty Twenty theme (which I presumed was never modified?), and reinstall WordPress via the Dashboard → Updates page. Then see if those steps help.
    – Sally CJ
    Commented Sep 29, 2020 at 15:06
  • Hi Sally, thanks for the suggestion. I tried deactivating everything and switch to TwentyTwenty and nothing happened. I haven't tried re-installing Wordpress from the dashboard, though but it looks like a good idea. I'll try later today as soon as I have finished doing a backup. I also tried to re-activate the Classic Editor - I haven't used it since Gutenberg launched and now at least I can save the posts - I'll edit the original question.
    – kikaweb
    Commented Sep 29, 2020 at 15:31
  • Hello @SallyCJ, I tried to reinstall Wordpress via the Dashboard but the problem persists.
    – kikaweb
    Commented Sep 29, 2020 at 15:43
  • This certainly wont be a hosting issue. If it's only affecting Gutenberg then it might well a JS issue. My bet is that it's plugin related. I'd try deactivating those one by one (with Gutenberg back on) and keep checking.
    – vancoder
    Commented Sep 29, 2020 at 17:47
  • 1
    The problem is solved, but since I don't know how it happened I won't post an answer. After removing some malicious files hidden in my WP installs, and after the support downgraded the PHP version to 7.1, everything works. Honestly, I don't know what did the trick, but I wish I knew. Thanks to @SallyCJ for supporting me through the troubleshooting.
    – kikaweb
    Commented Oct 8, 2020 at 21:27

1 Answer 1


Following advices from other contributors I'm posting here the "solution" for future reference, just in case someone is experiencing the same issues.

As I wrote in one of the comments, while investigating the REST API problem - by the way, I'd have never narrowed it down without some help from @SallyCJ - I found out some malicious files in all three Wordpress installs. I wasn't looking for malware or exploits, I simply stumbled upon some suspicious php files that weren't supposed to be on my server. Hosting support helped me doing a thorough security scan, so I could remove all the nasty files.

I don't know why but when the malicious files where detected the support staff automatically downgraded my PHP version from 7.3 to 7.1.

Honestly, I don't know what did the trick - the cleaning or php downgrade - and even the support staff had no clue, but right now all the websites are working, I can post new content using the block editor and everything seem to work just fine.

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