I'm trying to create a tooltip that appears over a specific word (an a tag) inside a paragraph, inside a post content that's being displayed on my page. I managed to add a class ("office") to said paragraph from Gutenberg, which I'm using on the front end to target the anchor tag inside it and perform a jQuery .html() to add more content to that a tag (besides the text) which is the tooltip div. The contents of this tooltip div needs to be a specific post's content. Please note that I don't want to add the div in Gutenberg because I want to make this easy for the client too. Basically this is my code:
$('p.office a').html('hover here <div id="tooltip"><?php echo apply_filters('the_content', get_post_field('post_content', 44)) ?></div>');
But when I run that, the console reports an error about syntax and I think this happens because when the function returns the content (with HTML tags) it creates line breaks for every HTML element, not to mention the <-- wp:paragraph --> tags as well. So this messes up with the string to be read by .html().
How would you approach solving this problem, please?
Thanks in advance.