I have a site running Paid Membership Pro and I'm adding a user membership level via a Webhook from Chargify. I use a function in the Stranger Studios Multiple Memberships Per User plugin https://github.com/strangerstudios/pmpro-multiple-memberships-per-user to add the membership level. These users already have an account and role assigned to them, they are just having another membership level assigned.
The weird thing is it adds the level however, the end user doesn't have access to the content until I manually edit the user profile and click Update User button. No changes are needed in their profile just to open their user account and click the button.
I've tried running the Wordpress wp_update_user() function after adding the membership level and running cURL post to /wp-admin/user-edit.php but still I need to manually save the user profile before they gain access to content.
Any help would be extremely appreciated.