function the_category_filter($thelist,$separator=' ') {
    if(!defined('WP_ADMIN')) {
        //list the category names to exclude
        $exclude = array('Something','Something Else','Blah','YAY');
        $cats = explode($separator,$thelist);
        $newlist = array();
        foreach($cats as $cat) {
            $catname = trim(strip_tags($cat));
                $newlist[] = $cat;
        return implode($separator,$newlist);
    } else
        return $thelist;

I am using that code, to get the_category(); to exclude some categories. But it ain't working, as it is supposed to...


4 Answers 4


Try using the filter get_the_categories and replace every occurrence of the_category by echo get_the_category() (just to be sure !)

This is what I cooked:

add_filter('get_the_categories', 'exc_cat');

function exc_cat($cats) {
        //not on admin pages
            $exc = array('lipsum', 'dolor');
            foreach ($cats as $i=>$cat){
                if(in_array($cat->name, $exc)){
    return $cats;

Try my code and let me know if it does your job.

  • The error is the following: syntax error, unexpected T_STRING at line:1
    – Basilakis
    Oct 15, 2011 at 12:34
  • Check my modified answer and code... I've tested it, it works. Oct 15, 2011 at 13:16
  • Hm, check this out... check out the output... It prints the array :O stu.gr/…
    – Basilakis
    Oct 15, 2011 at 13:41
  • Because, I left the print_r statements so that you could see the arrays! No problem, comment them out as I've updated my answer code. Check it now. Oct 15, 2011 at 13:49
  • Hey thanks for the effort. Check it now also, it just outputs the world array! :D
    – Basilakis
    Oct 15, 2011 at 13:52

This will work:

Put the following in your functions.php file:

function exclude_post_categories($excl='', $spacer=' '){
   $categories = get_the_category($post->ID);
        $exclude = explode(",", $exclude);
        $thecount = count(get_the_category()) - count($exclude);
        foreach ($categories as $cat) {
            $html = '';
            if(!in_array($cat->cat_ID, $exclude)) {
                $html .= '<a href="' . get_category_link($cat->cat_ID) . '" ';
                $html .= 'title="' . $cat->cat_name . '">' . $cat->cat_name . '</a>';
                    $html .= $spacer;
            echo $html;

and then call the function with:

<?php exclude_post_categories('1,5', ', '); ?>

where 1 or 5 are the category IDs you want to exclude.

Code courtesy of http://wordpress.org/support/topic/the_category-exclude-categories

  • +1 This one is interesting because it can be both ways, with or without exclusion.
    – brasofilo
    Jul 24, 2012 at 13:24

Enter this handy function from the WordPress support forums — just add it to your theme’s functions.php file:

function the_category_filter($thelist,$separator=' ') {
     // list the IDs of the categories to exclude
     $exclude = array(366);
     // create an empty array
     $exclude2 = array();

     // loop through the excluded IDs and get their actual names
     foreach($exclude as $c) {
          // store the names in the second array
          $exclude2[] = get_cat_name($c);

     // get the list of categories for the current post     
     $cats = explode($separator,$thelist);
     // create another empty array      
     $newlist = array();

     foreach($cats as $cat) {
          // remove the tags from each category
          $catname = trim(strip_tags($cat));

          // check against the excluded categories

          // if not in that list, add to the new array
          $newlist[] = $cat;
     // return the new, shortened list
     return implode($separator,$newlist);

// add the filter to 'the_category' tag
add_filter('the_category','the_category_filter', 10, 2);

Initially, I did have some issues with this function; after some tinkering around, I realized I needed a separator declared in the_category() tag, like a comma, dash, etc. In this case, I was using just a space — the_category(' ') — which wasn’t working, but swapping it out for a non-breaking space did the trick: the_category('&nbsp;').

Credit: http://www.stemlegal.com/greenhouse/2012/excluding-categories-from-the-category-tag-in-wordpres/


I have been looking for a solution for something like this and I make some modifications to some code posted in various topics and I get this..

<?php foreach((get_the_category()) as $cat) {
if (($cat->cat_ID=='#')) 
echo $cat->cat_name;
} ?>

where # = your cat ID. I hope it works for you.

  • This is not a proper answer. Please add a proper explanation to what your code does and how it works May 30, 2014 at 8:19
  • It displays particular category related to a post.. May 30, 2014 at 10:55

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