I have a WordPress custom post type product and I am now developing front end forms for creating, reading and editing these posts (I am using ACF).
I am trying to use only single-product.php for this purpose! Can someone help me on this regard?
I already achieved to view (host/product/theproduct) and edit a post (host/product/theproduct?action=edit) basically by adding ?action=edit on the links and showing specific acf_form() if the $_GET["action"] is edit but I also want to use this page for creating new posts!
I tried to add new_product on URL like host/product/new_product and check on backend for that (and then show the create new product form) but because there is no new_product post it is redirecting to 404 page :(
I have no idea how to achieve this for the moment so any help/suggestion would be very appreciated!
Thanks in advance