Okay, this is what I'm thinking about (and it's not a coding problem right now, but my fundamental thoughts): How to receive / input images in posts for special uses, let's say a customized portfolio post. The post content should not really contain the Work images. These images should be styled specifically in an own image area, separated from the common text content. What I used to do for quite a long time: I created a custom post meta box under the content with an upload button. Users could upload an image and the URL got inserted automatically there after pressing "Insert into post". Problem was, that the image should have the exact needed width. Now I changed this method and started to tell the User they would only have to upload the image, just like always, but don't insert it into post content. This made possible for me just to output the post gallery, and as I created an image size with the needed width, the size of the image wouldn't matter.
Now, most Users don't understand the new way and I also got the feeling that it is not as flexible as before (for example I could also add videos and rearrange videos and images in their order which doesn't work with my new method). I could use a thumbnail generation script or do it even myself, but this is not really a nice solution for me, too (performance, another caching, risk in use of scripts for example timthumb exploits...). I'm curious, do You have a solution or any thoughts for this?
Greatly appreciated, and please excuse my bad English ;) Best regards, .wired