May I know how to create multiple loop for this HTML code in Wordpress?

<div class="row">
 <div class="col-md-3 col-sm-6">
                <div class="normal-video">
                  <a href="#">
                    <div id="video-content-img" style="background-image:url('post-img');">
                    <div class="holder">
                      <div class="play-button"><i class="fa fa-play" aria-hidden="true"></i></div>
                   <p class="category"><a href="#">Lorem Ipsum</a> &nbsp;&#8226;&nbsp; 17 Apr 2017</p>
                  <h1><a href="#">What is Lorem Ipsum?</a></h1>
<div class="col-md-3 col-sm-6">
                <div class="normal-video">
                  <a href="#">
                    <div id="video-content-img" style="background-image:url('post-img');">
                    <div class="holder">
                      <div class="play-button"><i class="fa fa-play" aria-hidden="true"></i></div>
                   <p class="category"><a href="#">Lorem Ipsum</a> &nbsp;&#8226;&nbsp; 17 Apr 2017</p>
                  <h1><a href="#">What is Lorem Ipsum?</a></h1>
<div class="col-md-3 col-sm-6">
                <div class="normal-video">
                  <a href="#">
                    <div id="video-content-img" style="background-image:url('post-img');">
                    <div class="holder">
                      <div class="play-button"><i class="fa fa-play" aria-hidden="true"></i></div>
                   <p class="category"><a href="#">Lorem Ipsum</a> &nbsp;&#8226;&nbsp; 17 Apr 2017</p>
                  <h1><a href="#">What is Lorem Ipsum?</a></h1>
<div class="col-md-3 col-sm-6">
                <div class="normal-video">
                  <a href="#">
                    <div id="video-content-img" style="background-image:url('post-img');">
                    <div class="holder">
                      <div class="play-button"><i class="fa fa-play" aria-hidden="true"></i></div>
                   <p class="category"><a href="#">Lorem Ipsum</a> &nbsp;&#8226;&nbsp; 17 Apr 2017</p>
                  <h1><a href="#">What is Lorem Ipsum?</a></h1>

<div class="row">
 <div class="col-md-3 col-sm-6">
                <div class="normal-video">
                  <a href="#">
                    <div id="video-content-img" style="background-image:url('post-img');">
                    <div class="holder">
                      <div class="play-button"><i class="fa fa-play" aria-hidden="true"></i></div>
                   <p class="category"><a href="#">Lorem Ipsum</a> &nbsp;&#8226;&nbsp; 17 Apr 2017</p>
                  <h1><a href="#">What is Lorem Ipsum?</a></h1>
<div class="col-md-3 col-sm-6">
                <div class="normal-video">
                  <a href="#">
                    <div id="video-content-img" style="background-image:url('post-img');">
                    <div class="holder">
                      <div class="play-button"><i class="fa fa-play" aria-hidden="true"></i></div>
                   <p class="category"><a href="#">Lorem Ipsum</a> &nbsp;&#8226;&nbsp; 17 Apr 2017</p>
                  <h1><a href="#">What is Lorem Ipsum?</a></h1>
<div class="col-md-3 col-sm-6">
                <div class="normal-video">
                  <a href="#">
                    <div id="video-content-img" style="background-image:url('post-img');">
                    <div class="holder">
                      <div class="play-button"><i class="fa fa-play" aria-hidden="true"></i></div>
                   <p class="category"><a href="#">Lorem Ipsum</a> &nbsp;&#8226;&nbsp; 17 Apr 2017</p>
                  <h1><a href="#">What is Lorem Ipsum?</a></h1>
<div class="col-md-3 col-sm-6">
                <div class="normal-video">
                  <a href="#">
                    <div id="video-content-img" style="background-image:url('post-img');">
                    <div class="holder">
                      <div class="play-button"><i class="fa fa-play" aria-hidden="true"></i></div>
                   <p class="category"><a href="#">Lorem Ipsum</a> &nbsp;&#8226;&nbsp; 17 Apr 2017</p>
                  <h1><a href="#">What is Lorem Ipsum?</a></h1>

And the row keep on going based on the sum of post that we have. Hopefully it will appear like this: enter image description here Please advise. thanks!


1 Answer 1


Okay I got it! And this code works perfectly for me. :)

<?php             $args=array(
                 'post_type' => 'post',
                  'posts_per_page' => 4,
                  'paged' => $paged,
                  'tax_query' => array(
                                  'taxonomy' => 'post_format',
                                  'field' => 'slug',
                                  'terms' => array('post-format-video'),
                                  'operator' => 'IN')

              $my_query = null;
              $my_query = new WP_Query($args);

              if( $my_query->have_posts() ) {

                $i = 0;
                while ($my_query->have_posts()) : $my_query->the_post();
              // modified to work with 3 columns
              // output an open <div>
              if($i % 4 == 0) { ?> 

              <div class="row">


                <?php get_template_part( 'template/loop', 'video' ); ?>
                  <?php $i++; 
                  if($i != 0 && $i % 4 == 0) { ?>
                    <div class="clearfix"></div>

                   } ?>

              <?php endwhile; } wp_reset_query();?>
  • Ouch but not display well on combination of col-md-4 & col-sm-6. Anyone?
    – The Lee
    Commented May 18, 2017 at 10:10

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