I am building a shortcode. I would love for the array with the category names "$catslugs" to be added via the shortcode. But reading the stuff on wordpress.org confuses me. The code below is partial. This simple shortcode works: [camp_posts] (more below code)
function camp_posts_function() {//Creates shortcode [camp_posts]
$catslugs = array('academic', 'adventure', 'arts', 'religious', 'special-interest', 'special-needs', 'sports','teen');//Must update as new Main categories are added
$out = array();
foreach($catslugs as $slug) {
array_push($out, get_category_by_slug($slug)->term_id);
$CatIDs= implode(',', $out);
$camp_posts_bynumber = new WP_Query(array ('cat' => $CatIDs));
if( $camp_posts_bynumber->have_posts() ):
I want that array with "academic, adventure..." to be pulled in from the shortcode. I added "type" to my shortcode which was just [camp_posts] using the above code and now is [camp_posts type="academic, sports"]. I'm just not sure how to grab the info. I know it needs to be something like this:
function camp_posts_function($atts) {//Creates shortcode [camp_posts]
'type' => 1,
), $atts));
$out = array();
foreach($atts as $slug) {
array_push($out, get_category_by_slug($slug)->term_id);
$CatIDs= implode(',', $out);
$camp_posts_bynumber = new WP_Query(array ('cat' => $CatIDs));
if( $camp_posts_bynumber->have_posts() ):
After fiddling some more, I am closer:
function camp_posts_function($atts) {//Creates shortcode [camp_posts]
'type' => 'nothing',
), $atts, 'camp_posts');
return $atts['type'];
That returns "academic, sports". But I am unsure how to get it into $catslugs.