I see that Git and Wordpress are often discussed here, but I didn't find any answer to my specific question, so I'll open a new one.
Just to get a little familiar with git, I want to use it for my personal wordpress blog. My setup:
- local Wordpress installation
- remote repo (bitbucket)
- automatic deployment everytime I push to bitbucket via FTP to my webhost (no chance installing git there, I use buddy)
So far its working fine, I can modify my stuff, write plugins etc and push it to the host. I wrote a small script to update my local dbs from time to time to have new comments etc. on my local installation, that works too.
But how do I handle plugin/wordpress core updates? Applying them directly to the production environment on my host would undermine the whole idea if git (i think), so I disabled automatic updates. But how to proceed?
Installing updates locally, committing and pushing them to the repo+host? What about db changes then? Do wordpress/plugin updates change something in the db? I guess they do?
Installing them on my host, then downloading everything via FTP, commit and push again (sounds redundant, and not really what I like to do)?
How do you handle this problem? Or is my setup completely wrong in some way?