I'm unable to login to my wordpress site v3.1.3 even though I know the password.
To be extra sure, I directly changed the password for the user account (ID=1) with
UPDATE wp_users SET user_pass="(MD5-hash-of-pwd)" WHERE ID = 1;
I've verified that:
- ID=1 is my user account
- Triple checked that the MD5 hash is correct for the password I am setting it for
- Quadrupled checked that my user_login name is the one I'm using
I then go to my wordpress login and am told that my username and password is incorrect.
I also tried using the "forgot password" flow that allows me to reset by email. I succesfully changed the password using that flow but still can't login. Oddly enough, I noticed that when I look directly in MySQL, the hash value for is different when I generate it with and online MD5 tool vs. the password reset flow.
I've verified on the wordpress site that they state they use MD5 for pwd hashes: http://codex.wordpress.org/Resetting_Your_Password
What's going on?!