I'm looking to generate a tabbed submenu from taxonomy term or submenu item and include sample content (three items per term/submenuu item). The styling I can do, the problem is the html generation.
I see this style called tabbed submenus, fat menus, or mega menus. A good sample is the tabbed submenus at Vice.com. The end result looks like this:
Home | Taxonomy1 | Taxonomy2 | Taxonomy3 | CustomMenu
—————————————————— —————————————————————————
T2term1| (content1 image) (content2 image) (content3 image)
T2term2< Content1 Title Content2 Title Content3 Title
T2temr3| Link: See All Stories in T2Term2
One issue is that three of our menus are essentially all terms for three custom taxonomies while the fourth is a custom menu made from admin-selected terms in tags taxonomy.
We've purchased Max Mega Menus as a possible solution only to find out it doesn't support tabbed submenus.
I'm finding the options are to buy a more expensive plugin that may or may not work (and definitely will have a CSS fight with our Zurb Foundation based theme) or find custom code that perhaps we can drop into the Foundation menus or into Max Mega Menu.
Any pointers appreciated — I'm finding this hard to solve with Google searches since the terminology is not set and every shady plugin author wants to sell a (possibly outdated) solution without a trial and a lot of plugins seem like ripoffs of other plugins.
$object -> object
inside thestart_el
function. Take a look at the general menu example on the codex page: codex.wordpress.org/Class_Reference/Walker#General_Menu_Example