I've just created a rewrite rules to integrate pagination in my page music (displaying custom post_type "music") in order to : 1. displaying a specific page from a long musical playlist. 2. in this page, playing a specified track
Here is the rule for pagination :
add_rewrite_rule('music/page/([0-9])+/([^/]+)/?', 'index.php?pagename=music&paged=$matches[1]&trackid=$matches[2]', "top");
But now when I enter : http://carbonpaper-dev.imperatorium.org/music/page/2/track-2442
Wordpress rewrite my link with a repetition of /page/2/ : http://carbonpaper-dev.imperatorium.org/music/page/2/track-2442/page/2/
I search a solution to keep the first URL. I try get_rewrite_permalink() function but it's not ok..
Any suggestions ?
The blog is in test phase so sorry for inconveniences...