I am working on a commercial plugin and i integrated redux in it and use it as my option panel, i am almost done with the plugin, i started to translate the plugin but the translation does not work, i do all things correctly in my plugins function.php and still not want to work i add this to my plugin functions

load_plugin_textdomain('my_plugin_name', false, basename( dirname( FILE ) ) . '/languages' );

and make all strings translatable but it does not work, i asked this question on redux github reposity but no helping answer, they say to call last function before calling redux but still not work, any one have an idea. Thank you in advance

  • Can you please share any of your string, we want to see how your used the gettext function. Apr 12, 2015 at 3:35
  • i use __('Hello world','my_plugin_name') or _e('Hello worl','my_plugin_name')
    – hassan
    Apr 12, 2015 at 16:38


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