im try something with the upload_dir filter
I check the current CPT with this function
function get_current_post_type() {
global $post, $typenow, $current_screen;
//we have a post so we can just get the post type from that
if ( $post && $post->post_type ) {
return $post->post_type;
} //check the global $typenow - set in admin.php
elseif ( $typenow ) {
return $typenow;
} //check the global $current_screen object - set in sceen.php
elseif ( $current_screen && $current_screen->post_type ) {
return $current_screen->post_type;
} //lastly check the post_type querystring
elseif ( isset( $_REQUEST['post_type'] ) ) {
return sanitize_key( $_REQUEST['post_type'] );
//we do not know the post type!
return NULL;
now i want to change the 'upload_dir' on at a certain cpt called "rsg_download"
add_action( 'admin_init', 'call_from_admin' );
function call_from_admin() {
//Here i get the Current custom Post type is the Post type = "rsg_download" then i want upload in a other folder called "rsg-uploads"
$currentCPT = get_current_post_type();
if ( $currentCPT === 'rsg_download' ) {
add_filter( 'upload_dir', 'change_upload_dir' );
When i use only
$currentCPT = get_current_post_type();
if ( $currentCPT === 'rsg_download' ) {
add_filter( 'upload_dir', 'change_upload_dir' );
The 'change_upload_dir' function is called twice dont know why also i call this from 'admin_init' with the function 'call_from_admin' and it calls only one time so far so good
i go to my CPT "rsg_download" and the uploade files are in the right place at wp-content/uploads/rsg-uploads/ this works so far
now i go to "Pages" and i upload a File but i want the files not in /rsg-upload but in the default path
Function to change the upload_dir this function should only be called when the custom post type is 'rsg_download':
function change_upload_dir( $param ) {
$mydir = '/rsg-uploads';
$param['path'] = $param['basedir'] . $mydir;
$param['url'] = $param['baseurl'] . $mydir;
return $param;
got some help from #wordpress in freenode but still not working for me :/ Current code i try the upload folder is still the standard one:
function get_current_post_type() {
global $post, $typenow, $current_screen;
if ( $post && $post->post_type )
return $post->post_type;
elseif( $typenow )
return $typenow;
elseif( $current_screen && $current_screen->post_type )
return $current_screen->post_type;
elseif( isset( $_REQUEST['post_type'] ) )
return sanitize_key( $_REQUEST['post_type'] );
return null;
function custom_post_type_upload_directory( $args ) {
if( 'rsg_download' == get_current_post_type() ) {
$mydir = '/rsg-uploads';
$args['path'] = $args['basedir'] . $mydir;
$args['url'] = $args['baseurl'] . $mydir;
return $args;
add_filter( 'upload_dir', 'custom_post_type_upload_directory' );