I am using The Ken theme for one of my client, and they want to keep refreshing the Gallery images every time the page load. I could see mk_gallery.php files, as I am not hard code PHP developer so can any one help me where and what code needs to put to keep refreshing the images from pre selected images.
Hope this is possible. Thanks in advance.
extract( shortcode_atts( array(
"style" => 'grid',
'enable_title' => 'true',
'structure' => 'column',
'masonry_style' => '',
'item_spacing' => '8',
"images" => '',
"height" => '',
"column" => 4,
'image_quality' => 1,
"margin_bottom" => 20,
'thumb_style_width' => 700,
'thumb_style_height' => 380,
'hover_scenarios' => 'overlay',
'scroller_dimension' => 400,
"el_class" => '',
'item_id' => '',
), $atts ) );
if ( $images == '' ) {
echo do_shortcode('[mk_message_box type="warning"]No media attachments are selected for image gallery shortcode.[/mk_message_box]');
return null;
$args = array(
'post_type' => 'attachment',
'post__in'=> explode( ',', $images ),
'post_mime_type' => 'image' ,
'post_status' => null,
'orderby' => 'post__in',
'numberposts' => -1
$id = uniqid();
$item_id = (!empty($item_id)) ? $item_id : 1409305847;
$output = $final_output = $column_css = $item_width = $slide_item = $thumb_item = $first_loop_css = '';
$scroller_css = array('','','','');
global $mk_settings;
$grid_width = $mk_settings['grid-width'];
$content_width = $mk_settings['content-width'];
if ( is_singular() ) {
global $post;
$layout = get_post_meta( $post->ID, '_layout', true );
} else {
$layout == 'full';
if($style == 'grid') {
if($structure == 'column') {
switch ( $column ) {
case 1:
if ( $layout == 'full' ) {
$width = $grid_width;
$height = !empty( $height ) ? $height : $width;
} else {
$width = (($content_width / 100) * $grid_width);
$height = !empty( $height ) ? $height : 350;
$column_css = 'one-column';
case 2:
if ( $layout == 'full' ) {
$width = round($grid_width/2);
$height = !empty( $height ) ? $height : $width;
} else {
$width = round((($content_width / 100) * $grid_width)/2);
$height = !empty( $height ) ? $height : $width;
$column_css = 'two-column';
case 3:
if ( $layout == 'full' ) {
$width = round($grid_width/3);
$height = !empty( $height ) ? $height : $width;
} else {
$width = round((($content_width / 100) * $grid_width)/3);
$height = !empty( $height ) ? $height : $width;
$column_css = 'three-column';
case 4:
if ( $layout == 'full' ) {
$width = $grid_width/4;
$height = !empty( $height ) ? $height : $width;
} else {
$width = (($content_width / 100) * $grid_width)/4;
$height = !empty( $height ) ? $height : $width;
$column_css = 'four-column';
case 5:
if ( $layout == 'full' ) {
$width = $grid_width/5;
$height = !empty( $height ) ? $height : $width;
} else {
$width = round((($content_width / 100) * $grid_width)/5);
$height = !empty( $height ) ? $height : $width;
$column_css = 'five-column';
case 6:
if ( $layout == 'full' ) {
$width = round($grid_width/6);
$height = !empty( $height ) ? $height : $width;
} else {
$width = round((($content_width / 100) * $grid_width)/6);
$height = !empty( $height ) ? $height : $width;
$column_css = 'six-column';
$width = $width*$image_quality;
$height = $height*$image_quality;
} else {
$width = $scroller_dimension - 1;
$height = $scroller_dimension - 1;
$scroller_css = array('swiper-container mk-swiper-slider ', 'swiper-wrapper ', 'swiper-slide', ' data-freeModeFluid="true" data-slidesPerView="auto" data-pagination="false" data-freeMode="true" data-mousewheelControl="true" data-direction="horizontal" data-slideshowSpeed="4000" data-animationSpeed="400" data-directionNav="false" ');
$item_width = ' style="width:'.$scroller_dimension.'px"';
$i = 0;
$attachments = get_posts($args);
if ($attachments) {
foreach ( $attachments as $attachment ) {
$title = $attachment->post_title;
$image_src_array = wp_get_attachment_image_src( $attachment->ID, 'full', true );
$image_src = bfi_thumb( $image_src_array[ 0 ], array('width' => $width, 'height' => $height, 'crop'=>true));
$zoom_icon ='<a href="'.$image_src_array[0].'" title="'.$title.'" rel="gallery-'.$id.'" class="mk-lightbox theme-rounded-icon"><i class="mk-nuance-icon-search"></i></a>';
$output .='<li class="'.$scroller_css[2].'"'.$item_width.'><div class="item-holder mk-gallery-item">';
$output .='<div class="featured-image '.$hover_scenarios.'-hover"><img alt="'.$title.'" title="'.$title.'" src="' . mk_thumbnail_image_gen($image_src, $width, $height) .'" />';
$output .='<div class="hover-overlay"></div>';
$output .='<a href="'.$image_src_array[0].'" title="'.$title.'" rel="gallery-'.$id.'" class="mk-lightbox">';
$output .= '<div class="gallery-meta">';
$output .= '<i class="mk-theme-icon-plus"></i><div class="clearboth"></div>';
$output .= ($enable_title == 'true') ? '<div class="the-title">'.$title.'</div>' : '';
$output .= '</div></a>';
$output .='</div>';
$output .='</div></li>';
$final_output .= '<div id="gallery-'.$id.'" style="margin-bottom:'.$margin_bottom.'px" class="mk-gallery '.$style.'-style '.$structure.'-structure '.$scroller_css[0].$column_css.' '.$el_class.'"'.$scroller_css[3].'><ul class="'.$scroller_css[1].'">' . $output . '</ul><div class="clearboth"></div></div>';
} else if($style == 'thumb') {
$width = $thumb_style_width;
$height = $thumb_style_height;
$i = 0;
$attachments = get_posts($args);
if ($attachments) {
foreach ( $attachments as $attachment ) {
$image_title = $attachment->post_title;
$image_src_array = wp_get_attachment_image_src( $attachment->ID, 'full', true );
$image_src = bfi_thumb( $image_src_array[ 0 ], array('width' => $width, 'height' => $height, 'crop'=>true));
$image_src_thumb = bfi_thumb( $image_src_array[ 0 ], array('width' => 100, 'height' => 100, 'crop'=>true));
$slide_item .= '<div class="swiper-slide"><div class="featured-image '.$hover_scenarios.'-hover">';
$slide_item .= '<img width="'.$width.'" height="'.$height.'" alt="'.$image_title.'" src="' . mk_thumbnail_image_gen($image_src, $width, $height) .'" />';
$slide_item .= '<a href="'.$image_src_array[ 0 ].'" title="'.$image_title.'" rel="gallery-loop" class="mk-lightbox gallery-thumb-lightbox"><i class="mk-theme-icon-plus"></i></a>';
$slide_item .= '</div></div>';
if($i == 1 ) {
$first_loop_css = 'active-item';
$thumb_item .= '<a href="#" class="'.$first_loop_css.'">';
$thumb_item .= '<img width="100" height="100" alt="'.$image_title.'" src="' . mk_thumbnail_image_gen($image_src_thumb, 100, 100) .'" />';
$thumb_item .= '</a>';
$first_loop_css = '';
$output .= '<div class="gallery-thumb-large"><div id="gallery-'.$id.'" class="swiper-container mk-swiper-slider" data-freeModeFluid="true" data-loop="false" data-slidesPerView="1" data-pagination="false" data-freeMode="false" data-mousewheelControl="true" data-direction="horizontal" data-slideshowSpeed="6000" data-animationSpeed="600" data-directionNav="true"><div class="swiper-wrapper">';
$output .= $slide_item. '</div>';
$output .= '<a class="mk-swiper-prev slideshow-swiper-arrows"><i class="mk-theme-icon-prev-big"></i></a>';
$output .= '<a class="mk-swiper-next slideshow-swiper-arrows"><i class="mk-theme-icon-next-big"></i></a>';
$output .= '</div></div>';
$output .= '<div class="gallery-thumbs-small">' .$thumb_item. '</div>';
$final_output .= '<div style="max-width:'.$width.'px;margin-bottom:'.$margin_bottom.'px" class="mk-gallery '.$style.'-style '.$el_class.'">' . $output . '<div class="clearboth"></div></div>';
} else if($style == 'masonry'){
$width = 750;
$height = 750;
$i = 0;
$attachments = get_posts($args);
$mansory_pointer_css = '';
if ($attachments) {
foreach ( $attachments as $attachment ) {
if($masonry_style == 'style1' && $i % 5 == 0) {
$mansory_pointer_css .= 'gallery-mansory-large ';
} else if($masonry_style == 'style2' && ($i - 2) % 5 == 0) {
$mansory_pointer_css .= 'gallery-mansory-large ';
}else if($masonry_style == 'style3' && ($i - 1) % 5 == 0) {
$mansory_pointer_css .= 'gallery-mansory-large ';
}else if($masonry_style == 'style4' && $i == 0) {
$mansory_pointer_css .= 'gallery-mansory-large ';
$title = $attachment->post_title;
$image_src_array = wp_get_attachment_image_src( $attachment->ID, 'full', true );
$image_src = bfi_thumb( $image_src_array[ 0 ], array('width' => $width, 'height' => $height, 'crop'=>true));
$zoom_icon ='<a href="'.$image_src_array[0].'" title="'.$title.'" rel="gallery-'.$id.'" class="mk-lightbox theme-rounded-icon"><i class="mk-nuance-icon-search"></i></a>';
$output .='<article class="mk-gallery-item mk-isotop-item masonry-'.$item_id.' '.$mansory_pointer_css.$scroller_css[2].'"'.$item_width.'><div class="item-holder" style="margin:0 '.$item_spacing.'px '.($item_spacing*2).'px">';
$output .='<div class="featured-image '.$hover_scenarios.'-hover"><img alt="'.$title.'" title="'.$title.'" width="'.$width.'" height="'.$height.'" src="' . mk_thumbnail_image_gen($image_src, $width, $height) .'" />';
$output .='<div class="hover-overlay"></div>';
$output .='<a href="'.$image_src_array[0].'" title="'.$title.'" rel="gallery-'.$id.'" class="mk-lightbox">';
$output .= '<div class="gallery-meta">';
$output .= '<i class="mk-theme-icon-plus"></i><div class="clearboth"></div>';
$output .= ($enable_title == 'true') ? '<div class="the-title">'.$title.'</div>' : '';
$output .= '</div></a>';
$output .='</div>';
$output .='</div></article>';
$mansory_pointer_css = '';
$final_output .= '<div class="loop-main-wrapper"><div id="gallery-'.$id.'" data-uniqid="'.$item_id.'" data-style="' . $style . '" style="margin-bottom:'.$margin_bottom.'px" class="mk-gallery isotop-enabled mk-theme-loop '.$style.'-style '.$scroller_css[0].$column_css.' '.$el_class.'"'.$scroller_css[3].'>' . $output . '</div></div>';
echo $final_output;