I took a look at the WP_Query->get_posts() function and couldn't see any action/filter that is called AFTER a query finishes.

I want to be able to manipulate the results once they are sent, rather than the query itself (Using a Human Name Parser to sort by last name).

I'm revamping an old site that alters the global $wp_query->posts right within archive.php, so I was just wondering if there was a way to take this logic completely out of the archive file and store it with my other CPT functionality.


1 Answer 1


The is the the_posts filter, which sounds like what you want.

function filter_the_posts($posts) {
  • Perfect! I saw the_post, I think I must have been a little too far down in the caching area :). Cheers! Jul 5, 2013 at 14:45

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