I am trying to build a Wordpress plugin here with a custom user admin area. What I would like to do is when the user adds /edit at the end of the page, it should open a page from my plugin. So for example

example.com/page-1/edit should load

I am trying to make use of WP_Rewrite but in vain.

class MyPlugin {
    function create_rewrite_rules($rules) {
        global $wp_rewrite;
        $newRule = array('([A-Za-z0-9-].+)/edit/' => 'wp-content/plugins/custom-user-admin-area/index.php?u=' . $wp_rewrite->preg_index(1));
        $newRules = $newRule + $rules;
        return $newRules;

    function flush_rewrite_rules() {
        global $wp_rewrite;


$MyPluginCode = new MyPlugin();
add_filter('rewrite_rules_array', array($MyPluginCode, 'create_rewrite_rules'));
add_filter('init', array($MyPluginCode, 'flush_rewrite_rules'));
  • Do not use your plugin URL like that. Plugins can be on a separate domain where the Cookies do not work. Use a custom URL under the main web site instead.
    – fuxia
    Commented Oct 18, 2012 at 22:01
  • I might be needing wordpress functions too. So, do you mean create a new php file and load wp-load.php instead? My edit page updates a posts and its custom fields basically.
    – Atif
    Commented Oct 18, 2012 at 22:06

1 Answer 1


Create an endpoint. In the callback function for the endpoint call your plugin functions internally, so the whole WordPress environment is available and you are still on the same domain, no matter where the plugin URL is.

Plus, make sure not to flush the rewrite rules on every page load, use the (de)activation hook for that.

  • care to explain this line I saw that coding style for the first time isset($vars['epex']) and $vars['epex'] = true;
    – Atif
    Commented Oct 18, 2012 at 22:21
  • 1
    @atif089 That is the same like if ( isset($vars['epex']) ) {$vars['epex'] = true;} – just shorter. The part after the and will be ignored if the part before that is false.
    – fuxia
    Commented Oct 19, 2012 at 18:44
  • Thanks, another thing is how shall I handle POST requests on the same URL, as of now it does not seem to handle POST requests on the same page.
    – Atif
    Commented Oct 27, 2012 at 21:54
  • @atif089 Ask a new question for that please.
    – fuxia
    Commented Oct 27, 2012 at 22:57
  • over here wordpress.stackexchange.com/questions/71369/…
    – Atif
    Commented Nov 2, 2012 at 22:49

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