I have a question regarding something that is not working properly, I have a menu that is not working, currently with my theme I have 10 menus, one being the main nav and the rest are needed for special purposes, the thing is, the main one is not working, is taking the menu values from one of the other menus, but I'm sure I'm referring that menu in the right way.
In my header I'm calling my menu like this:
<?php wp_nav_menu( array('menu' => 'Main', 'menu' => 'menu_center' )); ?>
And in my functions.php
I have this:
if ( function_exists('register_nav_menus')) {
register_nav_menus( array(
'main' => 'Main Nav',
'footer-opinion' => 'Footer Opinion',
'footer-noticias-economicas' => 'Footer Noticias Economicas',
'footer-consumo' => 'Footer Consumo',
'footer-empresas' => 'Footer Empresas',
'footer-noticias-actualidad' => 'Footer Noticias de Actualidad',
'footer-suplementos' => 'Footer Suplementos',
'footer-finanzas' => 'Footer Finanzas',
'footer-spotlight' => 'Footer Spotlight',
'footer-otras-publicaciones' => 'Footer Otras Publicaciones'
) );
But the main nav menu is not working is displaying one of the footer menus and this is driving me crazy, any idea guys what I'm doing wrong?