I want to create a template that will display podcasts in a archive page with the powerpress player and links.

Powerpess talks about this on this page http://help.blubrry.com/blubrry-powerpress/customizing-with-your-wordpress-theme/

and I have looked at the various pages taht talk about building a genesis template.

When it comes down to it, though, I don't know enough php to get this working (after trying many times)

Can someone show me how to incorporate the powerpress player and links into the template?

  • 1
    What does this question have to do with Genesis? Commented Feb 16, 2013 at 20:52

1 Answer 1


A far easier approach would be simply to use the category casting feature of Blubrry.

But, you can also create your own page template. Combine the instructions you linked in your question, with the Codex instructions for creating a custom page template.

  1. Create a file named template-podpress.php, and save it in your Theme's root directory
  2. In that file, add the following:

     * Template Name: Podpress
  3. Add in the calls for the header and footer:

     * Template Name: Podpress
    /* Header */
    /* Footer */
  4. Create a custom query to query all posts that have podcasts (outside the scope of this question, as written):

    $podcast_query = new WP_Query( $args );
  5. Add the loop:

     * Template Name: Podpress
    /* Header */
    /* Loop */
    if ( $podcast_query->have_posts() ) : while ( $podcast_query->have_posts() ) : $podcast_query->the_post();
    endwhile; endif;
    /* Footer */
  6. Add in the Blubrry template code, from the page you linked:

     * Template Name: Podpress
    /* Header */
    /* Loop */
    if ( $podcast_query->have_posts() ) : while ( $podcast_query->have_posts() ) : $podcast_query->the_post();
        /* Blubrry code */
        <h2><?php the_title(); ?></h2>
        <?php the_powerpress_content(); ?>
    endwhile; endif;
    /* Footer */

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