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In my post I have a shortcode for [video] than text content. Single post page displays first entry-meta, than title, than content [video] + text. What I need is to add some condition in single.php so that the order for display to be [video] ->entry-meta ->title ->text. Or maybe there is a function to check if I have [video] shortcode in post to display it first than the title and after rest of the content. Can anyone please help?

I know that tut but I don't know how to use it in single.php.

if(has_shortcode('your_short_code')) {  
    // perform actions here  ... 
    // I want to have: do shortcode [leadplayer_vid][video id] or something like this

I need an example in single.php

I just want to have in single.php displayed first the [leadplayer_vid][video id] after meta than Title +Content


the_content([Video][with video]);

the_content(without video);

In my post I have a shortcode for [video] than text content. Single post page displays first entry-meta, than title, than content [video] + text. What I need is to add some condition in single.php so that the order for display to be [video] ->entry-meta ->title ->text. Or maybe there is a function to check if I have [video] shortcode in post to display it first than the title and after rest of the content. Can anyone please help?

I know that tut but I don't know how to use it in single.php.

if(has_shortcode('your_short_code')) {  
    // perform actions here  ... 
    // I want to have: do shortcode [leadplayer_vid] or something like this

I need an example in single.php

I just want to have in single.php displayed first the [leadplayer_vid] after meta than Title +Content



the_content(without video);

In my post I have a shortcode for [video] than text content. Single post page displays first entry-meta, than title, than content [video] + text. What I need is to add some condition in single.php so that the order for display to be [video] ->entry-meta ->title ->text. Or maybe there is a function to check if I have [video] shortcode in post to display it first than the title and after rest of the content. Can anyone please help?

I know that tut but I don't know how to use it in single.php.

if(has_shortcode('your_short_code')) {  
    // perform actions here  ... 
    // I want to have: do shortcode [video id] or something like this

I need an example in single.php

I just want to have in single.php displayed first the [video id] after meta than Title +Content


the_content([with video]);

the_content(without video);
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In my post I have a shortcode for [video] than text content. Single post page displays first entry-meta, than title, than content [video] + text. What I need is to add some condition in single.php so that the order for display to be [video] ->entry-meta ->title ->text. Or maybe there is a function to check if I have [video] shortcode in post to display it first than the title and after rest of the content. Can anyone please help? Thank you

I know that tut but I don't know how to use it in single.php.

if(has_shortcode('your_short_code')) {  
    // perform actions here  ... 
    // I want to have: do shortcode [leadplayer_vid] or something like this

I need an example in single.php

I just want to have in single.php displayed first the [leadplayer_vid] after meta than Title +Content



the_content(without video);

In my post I have a shortcode for [video] than text content. Single post page displays first entry-meta, than title, than content [video] + text. What I need is to add some condition in single.php so that the order for display to be [video] ->entry-meta ->title ->text. Or maybe there is a function to check if I have [video] shortcode in post to display it first than the title and after rest of the content. Can anyone please help? Thank you.

In my post I have a shortcode for [video] than text content. Single post page displays first entry-meta, than title, than content [video] + text. What I need is to add some condition in single.php so that the order for display to be [video] ->entry-meta ->title ->text. Or maybe there is a function to check if I have [video] shortcode in post to display it first than the title and after rest of the content. Can anyone please help?

I know that tut but I don't know how to use it in single.php.

if(has_shortcode('your_short_code')) {  
    // perform actions here  ... 
    // I want to have: do shortcode [leadplayer_vid] or something like this

I need an example in single.php

I just want to have in single.php displayed first the [leadplayer_vid] after meta than Title +Content



the_content(without video);
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