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Aug 9 at 18:11 comment added Iogui @rhavin As a side note, if you are going to discard all the benefits of the new architecture of the WordPress then why to use it at all? That are other CMS you can use. Have you tried Joomla or Drupal?
Aug 9 at 17:38 comment added Iogui That's up to you, @rhavin. If you are willing to give up the added benefits of the blocks and if working the classic way cover all your needs, then I see no problem. I prefer to be able to use the FSE features.
Aug 8 at 10:12 comment added rhavin @logui I did and opted for ClassicPress. Abusing HTML-comments for something that should be inside css, data-attributes or custom tags is not a thing I want coming from my servers. On top of that, the same output from the old wordpress-site and the new classic-press-site is about 70% less styling- and scripting-scrap.
Aug 3 at 17:16 comment added Iogui @rhavin data-* and <!-- wp: serves a really different purpose. You can have <!-- wp: that does not directly translate do html/styles and you also have the problem of the diference between dynamic and static rendering. You should probably take some time to read all the shared docs and also make some tests with the editor to get a better grasp of it.
Aug 3 at 17:10 comment added rhavin So instead of using data-*-atttributes on the block (that already is the html-tag from opening to close), they came up with… this!?
Aug 3 at 16:51 history answered Iogui CC BY-SA 4.0