So I did a little search and found thisthis get_terms_by_post_type() by Bainternet. I think this is the solution in fetching tags to a certain post-type get_terms().
So I did a little search and found this get_terms_by_post_type() by Bainternet. I think this is the solution in fetching tags to a certain post-type get_terms().
So I did a little search and found this get_terms_by_post_type() by Bainternet. I think this is the solution in fetching tags to a certain post-type get_terms().
-- code removed, updated version below.
The purpose of this plugin on my site is to list all tags that we're used for the books. So user can just go to that page and browse articles/books by tags that were used.
I also tried Helgatheviking solution, It's similar to the plugin (Multi-Column Tag Map). But I'll just be sticking on customizing the plugin for the meantime as the plugin already provide some formatting. I just need to deal with get_terms().
My current problem is when using Helgatheviking or the Multi-Column Tag Map plugin solution, they're both using get_terms(). and get_terms() only fetch tags that in my posts and not in my custom post-type ('books'). I wanted to fetch tags from my custom post type.
So I did a little search and found this get_terms_by_post_type() by Bainternet. I think this is the solution in fetching tags to a certain post-type get_terms().
So this is what I did (code below), Unfortunately I have an error in my foreach(). It said "Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in mctagmap.php on line 366"
Additional Details:
post-type i'm targeting = 'the_books'
taxonomy i'm targeting = 'book_tags', 'book_writers' -- This might sound dumb, but I use 'post_tag' below instead of any of those two because I want to target the two of them.
mctagmap.php (modified version)
Plugin Name: Multi-column Tag Map
Plugin URI:
Description: Multi-column Tag Map displays a columnized and alphabetical (English) listing of all tags used in your site similar to the index pages of a book.
Version: 8.0
Author: Alan Jackson
Author URI:
/* Copyright 2009-2011 Alan Jackson (alan[at]
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
/* get terms limited to post type
@ $taxonomies - (string|array) (required) The taxonomies to retrieve terms from.
@ $args - (string|array) all Possible Arguments of get_terms
@ $post_type - (string|array) of post types to limit the terms to
@ $fields - (string) What to return (default all) accepts ID,name,all,get_terms.
if you want to use get_terms arguments then $fields must be set to 'get_terms'
function get_terms_by_post_type($taxonomies,$args,$post_type,$fields = 'all'){
$args = array(
'post_type' => (array)$post_type,
'posts_per_page' => -1
$the_query = new WP_Query( $args );
$terms = array();
while ($the_query->have_posts()){
$curent_terms = wp_get_object_terms( $post->ID, $taxonomy);
foreach ($curent_terms as $t){
//avoid duplicates
if (!in_array($t,$terms)){
$terms[] = $c;
//return array of term objects
if ($fields == "all")
return $terms;
//return array of term ID's
if ($fields == "ID"){
foreach ($terms as $t){
$re[] = $t->term_id;
return $re;
//return array of term names
if ($fields == "name"){
foreach ($terms as $t){
$re[] = $t->name;
return $re;
// get terms with get_terms arguments
if ($fields == "get_terms"){
$terms2 = get_terms( $taxonomies, $args );
foreach ($terms as $t){
if (in_array($t,$terms2)){
$re[] = $t;
return $re;
function wp_mcTagMap($options='') {
$ns_options = array(
"columns" => "2",
"more" => "View More",
"hide" => "no",
"num_show" => "5",
"toggle" => "no",
"show_empty" => "yes",
if(strpos($options, '|')) {
$options = explode("|",$options);
} else {
$options = explode("&",$options);
foreach ($options as $option) {
$parts = explode("=",$option);
$options[$parts[0]] = $parts[1];
if ($options['columns']) {
$ns_options['columns'] = $options['columns'];
} else {
$options['columns'] = 2;
if ($options['more']) {
$ns_options['more'] = htmlentities($options['more'], ENT_QUOTES);
} else {
$options['more'] = "View more";
if ($options['hide']) {
$ns_options['hide'] = $options['hide'];
} else {
$options['hide'] = "no";
if ($options['num_show']) {
$ns_options['num_show'] = $options['num_show'];
} else {
$options['num_show'] = 5;
if ($options['toggle']) {
$ns_options['toggle'] = $options['toggle'];
} else {
$options['toggle'] = "no";
if ($options['show_empty']) {
$ns_options['show_empty'] = $options['show_empty'];
} else {
$options['show_empty'] = "yes";
$show_empty = $options['show_empty'];
if($show_empty == "yes"){
$show_empty = "0";
if($show_empty == "no"){
$show_empty = "1";
$list = '<!-- begin list --><div id="mcTagMap">';
$tags$gtargs = get_termsarray('post_tag''orderby' => 'count', 'order=ASC&hide_empty='.'order' => 'ASC', 'hide_empty' => $show_empty.'');
// new code! $terms = get_terms_by_post_type('post_tag',$gtargs,'the_books','get_terms');
$groups = array();
if( $tags && is_array( $tags ) ) {
foreach( $tags as $tag ) {
$first_letter = strtoupper( $tag->name[0] );
$groups[ $first_letter ][] = $tag;
if( !empty ( $groups ) ) {
$count = 0;
$howmany = count($groups);
// this makes 2 columns
if ($options['columns'] == 2){
$firstrow = ceil($howmany * 0.5);
$secondrow = ceil($howmany * 1);
$firstrown1 = ceil(($howmany * 0.5)-1);
$secondrown1 = ceil(($howmany * 1)-0);
//this makes 3 columns
if ($options['columns'] == 3){
$firstrow = ceil($howmany * 0.33);
$secondrow = ceil($howmany * 0.66);
$firstrown1 = ceil(($howmany * 0.33)-1);
$secondrown1 = ceil(($howmany * 0.66)-1);
//this makes 4 columns
if ($options['columns'] == 4){
$firstrow = ceil($howmany * 0.25);
$secondrow = ceil(($howmany * 0.5)+1);
$firstrown1 = ceil(($howmany * 0.25)-1);
$secondrown1 = ceil(($howmany * 0.5)-0);
$thirdrow = ceil(($howmany * 0.75)-0);
$thirdrow1 = ceil(($howmany * 0.75)-1);
//this makes 5 columns
if ($options['columns'] == 5){
$firstrow = ceil($howmany * 0.2);
$firstrown1 = ceil(($howmany * 0.2)-1);
$secondrow = ceil(($howmany * 0.4));
$secondrown1 = ceil(($howmany * 0.4)-1);
$thirdrow = ceil(($howmany * 0.6)-0);
$thirdrow1 = ceil(($howmany * 0.6)-1);
$fourthrow = ceil(($howmany * 0.8)-0);
$fourthrow1 = ceil(($howmany * 0.8)-1);
foreach( $groups as $letter => $tags ) {
if ($options['columns'] == 2){
if ($count == 0 || $count == $firstrow || $count == $secondrow) {
if ($count == $firstrow){
$list .= "\n<div class='holdleft noMargin'>\n";
$list .="\n";
} else {
$list .= "\n<div class='holdleft'>\n";
$list .="\n";
if ($options['columns'] == 3){
if ($count == 0 || $count == $firstrow || $count == $secondrow) {
if ($count == $secondrow){
$list .= "\n<div class='holdleft noMargin'>\n";
$list .="\n";
} else {
$list .= "\n<div class='holdleft'>\n";
$list .="\n";
if ($options['columns'] == 4){
if ($count == 0 || $count == $firstrow || $count == $secondrow || $count == $thirdrow) {
if ($count == $thirdrow){
$list .= "\n<div class='holdleft noMargin'>\n";
$list .="\n";
} else {
$list .= "\n<div class='holdleft'>\n";
$list .="\n";
if ($options['columns'] == 5){
if ($count == 0 || $count == $firstrow || $count == $secondrow || $count == $thirdrow || $count == $fourthrow ) {
if ($count == $fourthrow){
$list .= "\n<div class='holdleft noMargin'>\n";
$list .="\n";
} else {
$list .= "\n<div class='holdleft'>\n";
$list .="\n";
$list .= '<div class="tagindex">';
$list .="\n";
$list .='<h4>' . apply_filters( 'the_title', $letter ) . '</h4>';
$list .="\n";
$list .= '<ul class="links">';
$list .="\n";
$i = 0;
foreach( $tags as $tag ) {
$url = attribute_escape( get_tag_link( $tag->term_id ) );
$name = apply_filters( 'the_title', $tag->name );
// $name = ucfirst($name);
$counti = $i;
if ($options['hide'] == "yes"){
$num2show = $options['num_show'];
$num2show1 = ($options['num_show'] +1);
$toggle = ($options['toggle']);
if ($i != 0 and $i <= $num2show) {
$list .= '<li><a title="' . $name . '" href="' . $url . '">' . $name . '</a></li>';
$list .="\n";
if ($i > $num2show && $i == $num2show1 && $toggle == "no") {
$list .= "<li class=\"morelink\">"."<a href=\"#x\" class=\"more\">".$options['more']."</a>"."</li>"."\n";
if ($i >= $num2show1){
$list .= '<li class="hideli"><a title="' . $name . '" href="' . $url . '">' . $name . '</a></li>';
$list .="\n";
} else {
$list .= '<li><a title="' . $name . '" href="' . $url . '">' . $name . '</a></li>';
$list .="\n";
if ($options['hide'] == "yes" && $toggle != "no" && $i == $counti && $i > $num2show) {
$list .= "<li class=\"morelink\">"."<a href=\"#x\" class=\"more\">".$options['more']."</a>"."<a href=\"#x\" class=\"less\">".$options['toggle']."</a>"."</li>"."\n";
$list .= '</ul>';
$list .="\n";
$list .= '</div>';
$list .="\n\n";
if ($options['columns'] == 3 || $options['columns'] == 2){
if ( $count == $firstrown1 || $count == $secondrown1) {
$list .= "</div>";
if ($options['columns'] == 4){
if ( $count == $firstrown1 || $count == $secondrown1 || $count == $thirdrow1) {
$list .= "</div>";
if ($options['columns'] == 5){
if ( $count == $firstrown1 || $count == $secondrown1 || $count == $thirdrow1 || $count == $fourthrow1) {
$list .= "</div>";
$list .="</div>";
$list .= "<div style='clear: both;'></div></div><!-- end list -->";
else $list .= '<p>Sorry, but no tags were found</p>';
print $list ;
// end long code
// short code begins
function sc_mcTagMap($atts, $content = null) {
"columns" => "2",
"more" => "View More",
"hide" => "no",
"num_show" => "5",
"toggle" => "no",
"show_empty" => "yes",
"name_divider" => "|", // added 09.02.11
"tag_count" => "no",
"exclude" => "",
"descriptions" => "no",
"width" => "",
"equal" => "no",
), $atts));
if($show_empty == "yes"){
$show_empty = "0";
if($show_empty == "no"){
$show_empty = "1";
$tug_width = "style=\"width: ". $width ."px;\"";
if($equal == "yes" && $columns != "1"){
$equalize = 'mcEqualize';
if($toggle != "no"){
$toggable = "toggleYes";
} else {
$toggable = "toggleNo";
$list = '<!-- begin list --><div id="mcTagMap" class="'.$equalize.' '.$toggable.'">';
//$tags = get_terms('post_tag', 'order=ASC&hide_empty='.$show_empty.''); // new code!
$gtargs = array('orderby' => 'count', 'order' => 'ASC', 'hide_empty' => $show_empty);
$terms = get_terms_by_post_type('post_tag',$gtargs,'the_books','get_terms');
/* exclude tags */
foreach($tags as $tag){
$fl = mb_substr($tag->name,0,1);
$ll = mb_substr($tag->name,1);
$tag->name = $fl.$ll;
if (preg_match('/(?<=^|[^\p{L}])' . preg_quote($tag->name,'/') . '(?=[^\p{L}]|$)/ui', $exclude)) {
$groups = array();
if( $tags && is_array( $tags ) ) {
foreach( $tags as $tag ) {
/* exclude tags */
// added 09.02.11
if (strlen(strstr($tag->name, $name_divider))>0) {
$tag->name = preg_replace("/\s*([\\".$name_divider."])\s*/", "$1", $tag->name);
$tagParts = explode($name_divider, $tag->name);
$tag->name = $tagParts[1].', '.$tagParts[0];
$first_letter = mb_strtoupper( mb_substr($tag->name,0,1) ); /* Thanks to Birgir Erlendsson */
$groups[ $first_letter ][] = $tag;
if( !empty ( $groups ) ) {
$count = 0;
$howmany = count($groups);
// this makes 2 columns
if ($columns == 2){
$firstrow = ceil($howmany * 0.5);
$secondrow = ceil($howmany * 1);
$firstrown1 = ceil(($howmany * 0.5)-1);
$secondrown1 = ceil(($howmany * 1)-0);
//this makes 3 columns
if ($columns == 3){
$firstrow = ceil($howmany * 0.33);
$secondrow = ceil($howmany * 0.66);
$firstrown1 = ceil(($howmany * 0.33)-1);
$secondrown1 = ceil(($howmany * 0.66)-1);
//this makes 4 columns
if ($columns == 4){
$firstrow = ceil($howmany * 0.25);
$secondrow = ceil(($howmany * 0.5)+1);
$firstrown1 = ceil(($howmany * 0.25)-1);
$secondrown1 = ceil(($howmany * 0.5)-0);
$thirdrow = ceil(($howmany * 0.75)-0);
$thirdrow1 = ceil(($howmany * 0.75)-1);
//this makes 5 columns
if ($columns == 5){
$firstrow = ceil($howmany * 0.2);
$firstrown1 = ceil(($howmany * 0.2)-1);
$secondrow = ceil(($howmany * 0.4));
$secondrown1 = ceil(($howmany * 0.4)-1);
$thirdrow = ceil(($howmany * 0.6)-0);
$thirdrow1 = ceil(($howmany * 0.6)-1);
$fourthrow = ceil(($howmany * 0.8)-0);
$fourthrow1 = ceil(($howmany * 0.8)-1);
foreach( $groups as $letter => $tags ) {
if ($columns == 2){
if ($count == 0 || $count == $firstrow || $count == $secondrow) {
if ($count == $firstrow){
$list .= "\n<div class='holdleft noMargin' ". $tug_width .">\n";
$list .="\n";
} else {
$list .= "\n<div class='holdleft' ". $tug_width .">\n";
$list .="\n";
if ($columns == 3){
if ($count == 0 || $count == $firstrow || $count == $secondrow) {
if ($count == $secondrow){
$list .= "\n<div class='holdleft noMargin' ". $tug_width .">\n";
$list .="\n";
} else {
$list .= "\n<div class='holdleft' ". $tug_width .">\n";
$list .="\n";
if ($columns == 4){
if ($count == 0 || $count == $firstrow || $count == $secondrow || $count == $thirdrow) {
if ($count == $thirdrow){
$list .= "\n<div class='holdleft noMargin' ". $tug_width .">\n";
$list .="\n";
} else {
$list .= "\n<div class='holdleft' ". $tug_width .">\n";
$list .="\n";
if ($columns == 5){
if ($count == 0 || $count == $firstrow || $count == $secondrow || $count == $thirdrow || $count == $fourthrow ) {
if ($count == $fourthrow){
$list .= "\n<div class='holdleft noMargin' ". $tug_width .">\n";
$list .="\n";
} else {
$list .= "\n<div class='holdleft' ". $tug_width .">\n";
$list .="\n";
$list .= '<div class="tagindex">';
$list .="\n";
$list .='<h4>' . apply_filters( 'the_title', $letter ) . '</h4>';
$list .="\n";
$list .= '<ul class="links">';
$list .="\n";
$i = 0;
uasort( $tags, create_function('$a, $b', 'return strnatcasecmp($a->name, $b->name);') ); // addded 09.02.11
foreach( $tags as $tag ) {
/* exclude tags */
// added 9.28.11
if($tag_count == "yes"){
$mctagmap_count = ' <span class="mctagmap_count">('.$tag->count.')</span>';
$url = attribute_escape( get_tag_link( $tag->term_id ) );
$name = apply_filters( 'the_title', $tag->name );
if($descriptions == "yes"){
$mctagmap_description = '<span class="tagDescription">' . $tag->description . '</span>';
//$name = ucfirst($name);
$counti = $i;
if ($hide == "yes"){
$num2show = $num_show;
$num2show1 = ($num_show +1);
//$toggle = ($options['toggle']);
if ($i != 0 and $i <= $num2show) {
$list .= '<li><a title="' . $name . '" href="' . $url . '">' . $name . '</a>'. $mctagmap_count . $mctagmap_description . '</li>';
$list .="\n";
if ($i > $num2show && $i == $num2show1 && $toggle == "no") {
$list .= "<li class=\"morelink\">"."<a href=\"#x\" class=\"more\">".$more."</a>"."</li>"."\n";
if ($i >= $num2show1){
$list .= '<li class="hideli"><a title="' . $name . '" href="' . $url . '">' . $name . '</a>' . $mctagmap_count . $mctagmap_description . '</li>';
$list .="\n";
} else {
$list .= '<li><a title="' . $name . '" href="' . $url . '">' . $name . '</a>' . $mctagmap_count . $mctagmap_description . '</li>';
$list .="\n";
if ($hide == "yes" && $toggle != "no" && $i == $counti && $i > $num2show) {
$list .= "<li class=\"morelink\">"."<a href=\"#x\" class=\"more\">".$more."</a>"."<a href=\"#x\" class=\"less\">".$toggle."</a>"."</li>"."\n";
$list .= '</ul>';
$list .="\n";
$list .= '</div>';
$list .="\n\n";
if ($columns == 3 || $columns == 2){
if ( $count == $firstrown1 || $count == $secondrown1) {
$list .= "</div>";
if ($columns == 4){
if ( $count == $firstrown1 || $count == $secondrown1 || $count == $thirdrow1) {
$list .= "</div>";
if ($columns == 5){
if ( $count == $firstrown1 || $count == $secondrown1 || $count == $thirdrow1 || $count == $fourthrow1) {
$list .= "</div>";
$list .="</div>";
$list .= "<div style='clear: both;'></div></div><!-- end list -->";
else $list .= '<p>Sorry, but no tags were found</p>';
return $list;
add_shortcode("mctagmap", "sc_mcTagMap");
// end shortcode
function mctagmap_donate($links, $file) {
$plugin = plugin_basename(__FILE__);
// create link
if ($file == $plugin) {
return array_merge( $links, array( sprintf( '<a href="" target="_blank">Donate to mctagmap development</a>', $plugin, __('Donate') ) ));
return $links;
add_filter( 'plugin_row_meta', 'mctagmap_donate', 10, 2 );
// the JS and CSS
add_action('wp_head', 'mcTagMapCSSandJS');
function mcTagMapCSSandJS(){
$mctagmapVersionNumber = "8.0";
$mctagmapCSSpath = './wp-content/themes/'.get_template().'/multi-column-tag-map/mctagmap.css';
echo "\n";
echo '<link rel="stylesheet" href="'.$mctagmapCSSpath.'?ver='.$mctagmapVersionNumber.'" type="text/css" media="screen" />';
} else {
echo '<link rel="stylesheet" href="'.WP_PLUGIN_URL.'/multi-column-tag-map/mctagmap.css?ver='.$mctagmapVersionNumber.'" type="text/css" media="screen" />';
echo "\n";
echo '<script type="text/javascript" src="'.WP_PLUGIN_URL.'/multi-column-tag-map/mctagmap.js?ver='.$mctagmapVersionNumber.'"></script>';
echo "\n\n";
// overwrite single_tag_title()
add_filter('single_tag_title', 'mctagmap_single_tag_title', 1, 2);
function mctagmap_single_tag_title($prefix = '') {
global $wp_query;
if ( !is_tag() )
$tag = $wp_query->get_queried_object();
if ( ! $tag )
$my_tag_name = str_replace('|', '', $tag->name);
if ( !empty($my_tag_name) ) {
if ( $display )
echo $prefix . $my_tag_name;
return $my_tag_name;
Plugin Name: Multi-column Tag Map
Plugin URI:
Description: Multi-column Tag Map displays a columnized and alphabetical (English) listing of all tags used in your site similar to the index pages of a book.
Version: 8.0
Author: Alan Jackson
Author URI:
/* Copyright 2009-2011 Alan Jackson (alan[at]
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
function wp_mcTagMap($options='') {
$ns_options = array(
"columns" => "2",
"more" => "View More",
"hide" => "no",
"num_show" => "5",
"toggle" => "no",
"show_empty" => "yes",
if(strpos($options, '|')) {
$options = explode("|",$options);
} else {
$options = explode("&",$options);
foreach ($options as $option) {
$parts = explode("=",$option);
$options[$parts[0]] = $parts[1];
if ($options['columns']) {
$ns_options['columns'] = $options['columns'];
} else {
$options['columns'] = 2;
if ($options['more']) {
$ns_options['more'] = htmlentities($options['more'], ENT_QUOTES);
} else {
$options['more'] = "View more";
if ($options['hide']) {
$ns_options['hide'] = $options['hide'];
} else {
$options['hide'] = "no";
if ($options['num_show']) {
$ns_options['num_show'] = $options['num_show'];
} else {
$options['num_show'] = 5;
if ($options['toggle']) {
$ns_options['toggle'] = $options['toggle'];
} else {
$options['toggle'] = "no";
if ($options['show_empty']) {
$ns_options['show_empty'] = $options['show_empty'];
} else {
$options['show_empty'] = "yes";
$show_empty = $options['show_empty'];
if($show_empty == "yes"){
$show_empty = "0";
if($show_empty == "no"){
$show_empty = "1";
$list = '<!-- begin list --><div id="mcTagMap">';
$tags = get_terms('post_tag', 'order=ASC&hide_empty='.$show_empty.''); // new code!
$groups = array();
if( $tags && is_array( $tags ) ) {
foreach( $tags as $tag ) {
$first_letter = strtoupper( $tag->name[0] );
$groups[ $first_letter ][] = $tag;
if( !empty ( $groups ) ) {
$count = 0;
$howmany = count($groups);
// this makes 2 columns
if ($options['columns'] == 2){
$firstrow = ceil($howmany * 0.5);
$secondrow = ceil($howmany * 1);
$firstrown1 = ceil(($howmany * 0.5)-1);
$secondrown1 = ceil(($howmany * 1)-0);
//this makes 3 columns
if ($options['columns'] == 3){
$firstrow = ceil($howmany * 0.33);
$secondrow = ceil($howmany * 0.66);
$firstrown1 = ceil(($howmany * 0.33)-1);
$secondrown1 = ceil(($howmany * 0.66)-1);
//this makes 4 columns
if ($options['columns'] == 4){
$firstrow = ceil($howmany * 0.25);
$secondrow = ceil(($howmany * 0.5)+1);
$firstrown1 = ceil(($howmany * 0.25)-1);
$secondrown1 = ceil(($howmany * 0.5)-0);
$thirdrow = ceil(($howmany * 0.75)-0);
$thirdrow1 = ceil(($howmany * 0.75)-1);
//this makes 5 columns
if ($options['columns'] == 5){
$firstrow = ceil($howmany * 0.2);
$firstrown1 = ceil(($howmany * 0.2)-1);
$secondrow = ceil(($howmany * 0.4));
$secondrown1 = ceil(($howmany * 0.4)-1);
$thirdrow = ceil(($howmany * 0.6)-0);
$thirdrow1 = ceil(($howmany * 0.6)-1);
$fourthrow = ceil(($howmany * 0.8)-0);
$fourthrow1 = ceil(($howmany * 0.8)-1);
foreach( $groups as $letter => $tags ) {
if ($options['columns'] == 2){
if ($count == 0 || $count == $firstrow || $count == $secondrow) {
if ($count == $firstrow){
$list .= "\n<div class='holdleft noMargin'>\n";
$list .="\n";
} else {
$list .= "\n<div class='holdleft'>\n";
$list .="\n";
if ($options['columns'] == 3){
if ($count == 0 || $count == $firstrow || $count == $secondrow) {
if ($count == $secondrow){
$list .= "\n<div class='holdleft noMargin'>\n";
$list .="\n";
} else {
$list .= "\n<div class='holdleft'>\n";
$list .="\n";
if ($options['columns'] == 4){
if ($count == 0 || $count == $firstrow || $count == $secondrow || $count == $thirdrow) {
if ($count == $thirdrow){
$list .= "\n<div class='holdleft noMargin'>\n";
$list .="\n";
} else {
$list .= "\n<div class='holdleft'>\n";
$list .="\n";
if ($options['columns'] == 5){
if ($count == 0 || $count == $firstrow || $count == $secondrow || $count == $thirdrow || $count == $fourthrow ) {
if ($count == $fourthrow){
$list .= "\n<div class='holdleft noMargin'>\n";
$list .="\n";
} else {
$list .= "\n<div class='holdleft'>\n";
$list .="\n";
$list .= '<div class="tagindex">';
$list .="\n";
$list .='<h4>' . apply_filters( 'the_title', $letter ) . '</h4>';
$list .="\n";
$list .= '<ul class="links">';
$list .="\n";
$i = 0;
foreach( $tags as $tag ) {
$url = attribute_escape( get_tag_link( $tag->term_id ) );
$name = apply_filters( 'the_title', $tag->name );
// $name = ucfirst($name);
$counti = $i;
if ($options['hide'] == "yes"){
$num2show = $options['num_show'];
$num2show1 = ($options['num_show'] +1);
$toggle = ($options['toggle']);
if ($i != 0 and $i <= $num2show) {
$list .= '<li><a title="' . $name . '" href="' . $url . '">' . $name . '</a></li>';
$list .="\n";
if ($i > $num2show && $i == $num2show1 && $toggle == "no") {
$list .= "<li class=\"morelink\">"."<a href=\"#x\" class=\"more\">".$options['more']."</a>"."</li>"."\n";
if ($i >= $num2show1){
$list .= '<li class="hideli"><a title="' . $name . '" href="' . $url . '">' . $name . '</a></li>';
$list .="\n";
} else {
$list .= '<li><a title="' . $name . '" href="' . $url . '">' . $name . '</a></li>';
$list .="\n";
if ($options['hide'] == "yes" && $toggle != "no" && $i == $counti && $i > $num2show) {
$list .= "<li class=\"morelink\">"."<a href=\"#x\" class=\"more\">".$options['more']."</a>"."<a href=\"#x\" class=\"less\">".$options['toggle']."</a>"."</li>"."\n";
$list .= '</ul>';
$list .="\n";
$list .= '</div>';
$list .="\n\n";
if ($options['columns'] == 3 || $options['columns'] == 2){
if ( $count == $firstrown1 || $count == $secondrown1) {
$list .= "</div>";
if ($options['columns'] == 4){
if ( $count == $firstrown1 || $count == $secondrown1 || $count == $thirdrow1) {
$list .= "</div>";
if ($options['columns'] == 5){
if ( $count == $firstrown1 || $count == $secondrown1 || $count == $thirdrow1 || $count == $fourthrow1) {
$list .= "</div>";
$list .="</div>";
$list .= "<div style='clear: both;'></div></div><!-- end list -->";
else $list .= '<p>Sorry, but no tags were found</p>';
print $list ;
// end long code
// short code begins
function sc_mcTagMap($atts, $content = null) {
"columns" => "2",
"more" => "View More",
"hide" => "no",
"num_show" => "5",
"toggle" => "no",
"show_empty" => "yes",
"name_divider" => "|", // added 09.02.11
"tag_count" => "no",
"exclude" => "",
"descriptions" => "no",
"width" => "",
"equal" => "no",
), $atts));
if($show_empty == "yes"){
$show_empty = "0";
if($show_empty == "no"){
$show_empty = "1";
$tug_width = "style=\"width: ". $width ."px;\"";
if($equal == "yes" && $columns != "1"){
$equalize = 'mcEqualize';
if($toggle != "no"){
$toggable = "toggleYes";
} else {
$toggable = "toggleNo";
$list = '<!-- begin list --><div id="mcTagMap" class="'.$equalize.' '.$toggable.'">';
$tags = get_terms('post_tag', 'order=ASC&hide_empty='.$show_empty.''); // new code!
/* exclude tags */
foreach($tags as $tag){
$fl = mb_substr($tag->name,0,1);
$ll = mb_substr($tag->name,1);
$tag->name = $fl.$ll;
if (preg_match('/(?<=^|[^\p{L}])' . preg_quote($tag->name,'/') . '(?=[^\p{L}]|$)/ui', $exclude)) {
$groups = array();
if( $tags && is_array( $tags ) ) {
foreach( $tags as $tag ) {
/* exclude tags */
// added 09.02.11
if (strlen(strstr($tag->name, $name_divider))>0) {
$tag->name = preg_replace("/\s*([\\".$name_divider."])\s*/", "$1", $tag->name);
$tagParts = explode($name_divider, $tag->name);
$tag->name = $tagParts[1].', '.$tagParts[0];
$first_letter = mb_strtoupper( mb_substr($tag->name,0,1) ); /* Thanks to Birgir Erlendsson */
$groups[ $first_letter ][] = $tag;
if( !empty ( $groups ) ) {
$count = 0;
$howmany = count($groups);
// this makes 2 columns
if ($columns == 2){
$firstrow = ceil($howmany * 0.5);
$secondrow = ceil($howmany * 1);
$firstrown1 = ceil(($howmany * 0.5)-1);
$secondrown1 = ceil(($howmany * 1)-0);
//this makes 3 columns
if ($columns == 3){
$firstrow = ceil($howmany * 0.33);
$secondrow = ceil($howmany * 0.66);
$firstrown1 = ceil(($howmany * 0.33)-1);
$secondrown1 = ceil(($howmany * 0.66)-1);
//this makes 4 columns
if ($columns == 4){
$firstrow = ceil($howmany * 0.25);
$secondrow = ceil(($howmany * 0.5)+1);
$firstrown1 = ceil(($howmany * 0.25)-1);
$secondrown1 = ceil(($howmany * 0.5)-0);
$thirdrow = ceil(($howmany * 0.75)-0);
$thirdrow1 = ceil(($howmany * 0.75)-1);
//this makes 5 columns
if ($columns == 5){
$firstrow = ceil($howmany * 0.2);
$firstrown1 = ceil(($howmany * 0.2)-1);
$secondrow = ceil(($howmany * 0.4));
$secondrown1 = ceil(($howmany * 0.4)-1);
$thirdrow = ceil(($howmany * 0.6)-0);
$thirdrow1 = ceil(($howmany * 0.6)-1);
$fourthrow = ceil(($howmany * 0.8)-0);
$fourthrow1 = ceil(($howmany * 0.8)-1);
foreach( $groups as $letter => $tags ) {
if ($columns == 2){
if ($count == 0 || $count == $firstrow || $count == $secondrow) {
if ($count == $firstrow){
$list .= "\n<div class='holdleft noMargin' ". $tug_width .">\n";
$list .="\n";
} else {
$list .= "\n<div class='holdleft' ". $tug_width .">\n";
$list .="\n";
if ($columns == 3){
if ($count == 0 || $count == $firstrow || $count == $secondrow) {
if ($count == $secondrow){
$list .= "\n<div class='holdleft noMargin' ". $tug_width .">\n";
$list .="\n";
} else {
$list .= "\n<div class='holdleft' ". $tug_width .">\n";
$list .="\n";
if ($columns == 4){
if ($count == 0 || $count == $firstrow || $count == $secondrow || $count == $thirdrow) {
if ($count == $thirdrow){
$list .= "\n<div class='holdleft noMargin' ". $tug_width .">\n";
$list .="\n";
} else {
$list .= "\n<div class='holdleft' ". $tug_width .">\n";
$list .="\n";
if ($columns == 5){
if ($count == 0 || $count == $firstrow || $count == $secondrow || $count == $thirdrow || $count == $fourthrow ) {
if ($count == $fourthrow){
$list .= "\n<div class='holdleft noMargin' ". $tug_width .">\n";
$list .="\n";
} else {
$list .= "\n<div class='holdleft' ". $tug_width .">\n";
$list .="\n";
$list .= '<div class="tagindex">';
$list .="\n";
$list .='<h4>' . apply_filters( 'the_title', $letter ) . '</h4>';
$list .="\n";
$list .= '<ul class="links">';
$list .="\n";
$i = 0;
uasort( $tags, create_function('$a, $b', 'return strnatcasecmp($a->name, $b->name);') ); // addded 09.02.11
foreach( $tags as $tag ) {
/* exclude tags */
// added 9.28.11
if($tag_count == "yes"){
$mctagmap_count = ' <span class="mctagmap_count">('.$tag->count.')</span>';
$url = attribute_escape( get_tag_link( $tag->term_id ) );
$name = apply_filters( 'the_title', $tag->name );
if($descriptions == "yes"){
$mctagmap_description = '<span class="tagDescription">' . $tag->description . '</span>';
//$name = ucfirst($name);
$counti = $i;
if ($hide == "yes"){
$num2show = $num_show;
$num2show1 = ($num_show +1);
//$toggle = ($options['toggle']);
if ($i != 0 and $i <= $num2show) {
$list .= '<li><a title="' . $name . '" href="' . $url . '">' . $name . '</a>'. $mctagmap_count . $mctagmap_description . '</li>';
$list .="\n";
if ($i > $num2show && $i == $num2show1 && $toggle == "no") {
$list .= "<li class=\"morelink\">"."<a href=\"#x\" class=\"more\">".$more."</a>"."</li>"."\n";
if ($i >= $num2show1){
$list .= '<li class="hideli"><a title="' . $name . '" href="' . $url . '">' . $name . '</a>' . $mctagmap_count . $mctagmap_description . '</li>';
$list .="\n";
} else {
$list .= '<li><a title="' . $name . '" href="' . $url . '">' . $name . '</a>' . $mctagmap_count . $mctagmap_description . '</li>';
$list .="\n";
if ($hide == "yes" && $toggle != "no" && $i == $counti && $i > $num2show) {
$list .= "<li class=\"morelink\">"."<a href=\"#x\" class=\"more\">".$more."</a>"."<a href=\"#x\" class=\"less\">".$toggle."</a>"."</li>"."\n";
$list .= '</ul>';
$list .="\n";
$list .= '</div>';
$list .="\n\n";
if ($columns == 3 || $columns == 2){
if ( $count == $firstrown1 || $count == $secondrown1) {
$list .= "</div>";
if ($columns == 4){
if ( $count == $firstrown1 || $count == $secondrown1 || $count == $thirdrow1) {
$list .= "</div>";
if ($columns == 5){
if ( $count == $firstrown1 || $count == $secondrown1 || $count == $thirdrow1 || $count == $fourthrow1) {
$list .= "</div>";
$list .="</div>";
$list .= "<div style='clear: both;'></div></div><!-- end list -->";
else $list .= '<p>Sorry, but no tags were found</p>';
return $list;
add_shortcode("mctagmap", "sc_mcTagMap");
// end shortcode
function mctagmap_donate($links, $file) {
$plugin = plugin_basename(__FILE__);
// create link
if ($file == $plugin) {
return array_merge( $links, array( sprintf( '<a href="" target="_blank">Donate to mctagmap development</a>', $plugin, __('Donate') ) ));
return $links;
add_filter( 'plugin_row_meta', 'mctagmap_donate', 10, 2 );
// the JS and CSS
add_action('wp_head', 'mcTagMapCSSandJS');
function mcTagMapCSSandJS(){
$mctagmapVersionNumber = "8.0";
$mctagmapCSSpath = './wp-content/themes/'.get_template().'/multi-column-tag-map/mctagmap.css';
echo "\n";
echo '<link rel="stylesheet" href="'.$mctagmapCSSpath.'?ver='.$mctagmapVersionNumber.'" type="text/css" media="screen" />';
} else {
echo '<link rel="stylesheet" href="'.WP_PLUGIN_URL.'/multi-column-tag-map/mctagmap.css?ver='.$mctagmapVersionNumber.'" type="text/css" media="screen" />';
echo "\n";
echo '<script type="text/javascript" src="'.WP_PLUGIN_URL.'/multi-column-tag-map/mctagmap.js?ver='.$mctagmapVersionNumber.'"></script>';
echo "\n\n";
// overwrite single_tag_title()
add_filter('single_tag_title', 'mctagmap_single_tag_title', 1, 2);
function mctagmap_single_tag_title($prefix = '') {
global $wp_query;
if ( !is_tag() )
$tag = $wp_query->get_queried_object();
if ( ! $tag )
$my_tag_name = str_replace('|', '', $tag->name);
if ( !empty($my_tag_name) ) {
if ( $display )
echo $prefix . $my_tag_name;
return $my_tag_name;
-- code removed, updated version below.
The purpose of this plugin on my site is to list all tags that we're used for the books. So user can just go to that page and browse articles/books by tags that were used.
I also tried Helgatheviking solution, It's similar to the plugin (Multi-Column Tag Map). But I'll just be sticking on customizing the plugin for the meantime as the plugin already provide some formatting. I just need to deal with get_terms().
My current problem is when using Helgatheviking or the Multi-Column Tag Map plugin solution, they're both using get_terms(). and get_terms() only fetch tags that in my posts and not in my custom post-type ('books'). I wanted to fetch tags from my custom post type.
So I did a little search and found this get_terms_by_post_type() by Bainternet. I think this is the solution in fetching tags to a certain post-type get_terms().
So this is what I did (code below), Unfortunately I have an error in my foreach(). It said "Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in mctagmap.php on line 366"
Additional Details:
post-type i'm targeting = 'the_books'
taxonomy i'm targeting = 'book_tags', 'book_writers' -- This might sound dumb, but I use 'post_tag' below instead of any of those two because I want to target the two of them.
mctagmap.php (modified version)
Plugin Name: Multi-column Tag Map
Plugin URI:
Description: Multi-column Tag Map displays a columnized and alphabetical (English) listing of all tags used in your site similar to the index pages of a book.
Version: 8.0
Author: Alan Jackson
Author URI:
/* Copyright 2009-2011 Alan Jackson (alan[at]
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
/* get terms limited to post type
@ $taxonomies - (string|array) (required) The taxonomies to retrieve terms from.
@ $args - (string|array) all Possible Arguments of get_terms
@ $post_type - (string|array) of post types to limit the terms to
@ $fields - (string) What to return (default all) accepts ID,name,all,get_terms.
if you want to use get_terms arguments then $fields must be set to 'get_terms'
function get_terms_by_post_type($taxonomies,$args,$post_type,$fields = 'all'){
$args = array(
'post_type' => (array)$post_type,
'posts_per_page' => -1
$the_query = new WP_Query( $args );
$terms = array();
while ($the_query->have_posts()){
$curent_terms = wp_get_object_terms( $post->ID, $taxonomy);
foreach ($curent_terms as $t){
//avoid duplicates
if (!in_array($t,$terms)){
$terms[] = $c;
//return array of term objects
if ($fields == "all")
return $terms;
//return array of term ID's
if ($fields == "ID"){
foreach ($terms as $t){
$re[] = $t->term_id;
return $re;
//return array of term names
if ($fields == "name"){
foreach ($terms as $t){
$re[] = $t->name;
return $re;
// get terms with get_terms arguments
if ($fields == "get_terms"){
$terms2 = get_terms( $taxonomies, $args );
foreach ($terms as $t){
if (in_array($t,$terms2)){
$re[] = $t;
return $re;
function wp_mcTagMap($options='') {
$ns_options = array(
"columns" => "2",
"more" => "View More",
"hide" => "no",
"num_show" => "5",
"toggle" => "no",
"show_empty" => "yes",
if(strpos($options, '|')) {
$options = explode("|",$options);
} else {
$options = explode("&",$options);
foreach ($options as $option) {
$parts = explode("=",$option);
$options[$parts[0]] = $parts[1];
if ($options['columns']) {
$ns_options['columns'] = $options['columns'];
} else {
$options['columns'] = 2;
if ($options['more']) {
$ns_options['more'] = htmlentities($options['more'], ENT_QUOTES);
} else {
$options['more'] = "View more";
if ($options['hide']) {
$ns_options['hide'] = $options['hide'];
} else {
$options['hide'] = "no";
if ($options['num_show']) {
$ns_options['num_show'] = $options['num_show'];
} else {
$options['num_show'] = 5;
if ($options['toggle']) {
$ns_options['toggle'] = $options['toggle'];
} else {
$options['toggle'] = "no";
if ($options['show_empty']) {
$ns_options['show_empty'] = $options['show_empty'];
} else {
$options['show_empty'] = "yes";
$show_empty = $options['show_empty'];
if($show_empty == "yes"){
$show_empty = "0";
if($show_empty == "no"){
$show_empty = "1";
$list = '<!-- begin list --><div id="mcTagMap">';
$gtargs = array('orderby' => 'count', 'order' => 'ASC', 'hide_empty' => $show_empty);
$terms = get_terms_by_post_type('post_tag',$gtargs,'the_books','get_terms');
$groups = array();
if( $tags && is_array( $tags ) ) {
foreach( $tags as $tag ) {
$first_letter = strtoupper( $tag->name[0] );
$groups[ $first_letter ][] = $tag;
if( !empty ( $groups ) ) {
$count = 0;
$howmany = count($groups);
// this makes 2 columns
if ($options['columns'] == 2){
$firstrow = ceil($howmany * 0.5);
$secondrow = ceil($howmany * 1);
$firstrown1 = ceil(($howmany * 0.5)-1);
$secondrown1 = ceil(($howmany * 1)-0);
//this makes 3 columns
if ($options['columns'] == 3){
$firstrow = ceil($howmany * 0.33);
$secondrow = ceil($howmany * 0.66);
$firstrown1 = ceil(($howmany * 0.33)-1);
$secondrown1 = ceil(($howmany * 0.66)-1);
//this makes 4 columns
if ($options['columns'] == 4){
$firstrow = ceil($howmany * 0.25);
$secondrow = ceil(($howmany * 0.5)+1);
$firstrown1 = ceil(($howmany * 0.25)-1);
$secondrown1 = ceil(($howmany * 0.5)-0);
$thirdrow = ceil(($howmany * 0.75)-0);
$thirdrow1 = ceil(($howmany * 0.75)-1);
//this makes 5 columns
if ($options['columns'] == 5){
$firstrow = ceil($howmany * 0.2);
$firstrown1 = ceil(($howmany * 0.2)-1);
$secondrow = ceil(($howmany * 0.4));
$secondrown1 = ceil(($howmany * 0.4)-1);
$thirdrow = ceil(($howmany * 0.6)-0);
$thirdrow1 = ceil(($howmany * 0.6)-1);
$fourthrow = ceil(($howmany * 0.8)-0);
$fourthrow1 = ceil(($howmany * 0.8)-1);
foreach( $groups as $letter => $tags ) {
if ($options['columns'] == 2){
if ($count == 0 || $count == $firstrow || $count == $secondrow) {
if ($count == $firstrow){
$list .= "\n<div class='holdleft noMargin'>\n";
$list .="\n";
} else {
$list .= "\n<div class='holdleft'>\n";
$list .="\n";
if ($options['columns'] == 3){
if ($count == 0 || $count == $firstrow || $count == $secondrow) {
if ($count == $secondrow){
$list .= "\n<div class='holdleft noMargin'>\n";
$list .="\n";
} else {
$list .= "\n<div class='holdleft'>\n";
$list .="\n";
if ($options['columns'] == 4){
if ($count == 0 || $count == $firstrow || $count == $secondrow || $count == $thirdrow) {
if ($count == $thirdrow){
$list .= "\n<div class='holdleft noMargin'>\n";
$list .="\n";
} else {
$list .= "\n<div class='holdleft'>\n";
$list .="\n";
if ($options['columns'] == 5){
if ($count == 0 || $count == $firstrow || $count == $secondrow || $count == $thirdrow || $count == $fourthrow ) {
if ($count == $fourthrow){
$list .= "\n<div class='holdleft noMargin'>\n";
$list .="\n";
} else {
$list .= "\n<div class='holdleft'>\n";
$list .="\n";
$list .= '<div class="tagindex">';
$list .="\n";
$list .='<h4>' . apply_filters( 'the_title', $letter ) . '</h4>';
$list .="\n";
$list .= '<ul class="links">';
$list .="\n";
$i = 0;
foreach( $tags as $tag ) {
$url = attribute_escape( get_tag_link( $tag->term_id ) );
$name = apply_filters( 'the_title', $tag->name );
// $name = ucfirst($name);
$counti = $i;
if ($options['hide'] == "yes"){
$num2show = $options['num_show'];
$num2show1 = ($options['num_show'] +1);
$toggle = ($options['toggle']);
if ($i != 0 and $i <= $num2show) {
$list .= '<li><a title="' . $name . '" href="' . $url . '">' . $name . '</a></li>';
$list .="\n";
if ($i > $num2show && $i == $num2show1 && $toggle == "no") {
$list .= "<li class=\"morelink\">"."<a href=\"#x\" class=\"more\">".$options['more']."</a>"."</li>"."\n";
if ($i >= $num2show1){
$list .= '<li class="hideli"><a title="' . $name . '" href="' . $url . '">' . $name . '</a></li>';
$list .="\n";
} else {
$list .= '<li><a title="' . $name . '" href="' . $url . '">' . $name . '</a></li>';
$list .="\n";
if ($options['hide'] == "yes" && $toggle != "no" && $i == $counti && $i > $num2show) {
$list .= "<li class=\"morelink\">"."<a href=\"#x\" class=\"more\">".$options['more']."</a>"."<a href=\"#x\" class=\"less\">".$options['toggle']."</a>"."</li>"."\n";
$list .= '</ul>';
$list .="\n";
$list .= '</div>';
$list .="\n\n";
if ($options['columns'] == 3 || $options['columns'] == 2){
if ( $count == $firstrown1 || $count == $secondrown1) {
$list .= "</div>";
if ($options['columns'] == 4){
if ( $count == $firstrown1 || $count == $secondrown1 || $count == $thirdrow1) {
$list .= "</div>";
if ($options['columns'] == 5){
if ( $count == $firstrown1 || $count == $secondrown1 || $count == $thirdrow1 || $count == $fourthrow1) {
$list .= "</div>";
$list .="</div>";
$list .= "<div style='clear: both;'></div></div><!-- end list -->";
else $list .= '<p>Sorry, but no tags were found</p>';
print $list ;
// end long code
// short code begins
function sc_mcTagMap($atts, $content = null) {
"columns" => "2",
"more" => "View More",
"hide" => "no",
"num_show" => "5",
"toggle" => "no",
"show_empty" => "yes",
"name_divider" => "|", // added 09.02.11
"tag_count" => "no",
"exclude" => "",
"descriptions" => "no",
"width" => "",
"equal" => "no",
), $atts));
if($show_empty == "yes"){
$show_empty = "0";
if($show_empty == "no"){
$show_empty = "1";
$tug_width = "style=\"width: ". $width ."px;\"";
if($equal == "yes" && $columns != "1"){
$equalize = 'mcEqualize';
if($toggle != "no"){
$toggable = "toggleYes";
} else {
$toggable = "toggleNo";
$list = '<!-- begin list --><div id="mcTagMap" class="'.$equalize.' '.$toggable.'">';
//$tags = get_terms('post_tag', 'order=ASC&hide_empty='.$show_empty.''); // new code!
$gtargs = array('orderby' => 'count', 'order' => 'ASC', 'hide_empty' => $show_empty);
$terms = get_terms_by_post_type('post_tag',$gtargs,'the_books','get_terms');
/* exclude tags */
foreach($tags as $tag){
$fl = mb_substr($tag->name,0,1);
$ll = mb_substr($tag->name,1);
$tag->name = $fl.$ll;
if (preg_match('/(?<=^|[^\p{L}])' . preg_quote($tag->name,'/') . '(?=[^\p{L}]|$)/ui', $exclude)) {
$groups = array();
if( $tags && is_array( $tags ) ) {
foreach( $tags as $tag ) {
/* exclude tags */
// added 09.02.11
if (strlen(strstr($tag->name, $name_divider))>0) {
$tag->name = preg_replace("/\s*([\\".$name_divider."])\s*/", "$1", $tag->name);
$tagParts = explode($name_divider, $tag->name);
$tag->name = $tagParts[1].', '.$tagParts[0];
$first_letter = mb_strtoupper( mb_substr($tag->name,0,1) ); /* Thanks to Birgir Erlendsson */
$groups[ $first_letter ][] = $tag;
if( !empty ( $groups ) ) {
$count = 0;
$howmany = count($groups);
// this makes 2 columns
if ($columns == 2){
$firstrow = ceil($howmany * 0.5);
$secondrow = ceil($howmany * 1);
$firstrown1 = ceil(($howmany * 0.5)-1);
$secondrown1 = ceil(($howmany * 1)-0);
//this makes 3 columns
if ($columns == 3){
$firstrow = ceil($howmany * 0.33);
$secondrow = ceil($howmany * 0.66);
$firstrown1 = ceil(($howmany * 0.33)-1);
$secondrown1 = ceil(($howmany * 0.66)-1);
//this makes 4 columns
if ($columns == 4){
$firstrow = ceil($howmany * 0.25);
$secondrow = ceil(($howmany * 0.5)+1);
$firstrown1 = ceil(($howmany * 0.25)-1);
$secondrown1 = ceil(($howmany * 0.5)-0);
$thirdrow = ceil(($howmany * 0.75)-0);
$thirdrow1 = ceil(($howmany * 0.75)-1);
//this makes 5 columns
if ($columns == 5){
$firstrow = ceil($howmany * 0.2);
$firstrown1 = ceil(($howmany * 0.2)-1);
$secondrow = ceil(($howmany * 0.4));
$secondrown1 = ceil(($howmany * 0.4)-1);
$thirdrow = ceil(($howmany * 0.6)-0);
$thirdrow1 = ceil(($howmany * 0.6)-1);
$fourthrow = ceil(($howmany * 0.8)-0);
$fourthrow1 = ceil(($howmany * 0.8)-1);
foreach( $groups as $letter => $tags ) {
if ($columns == 2){
if ($count == 0 || $count == $firstrow || $count == $secondrow) {
if ($count == $firstrow){
$list .= "\n<div class='holdleft noMargin' ". $tug_width .">\n";
$list .="\n";
} else {
$list .= "\n<div class='holdleft' ". $tug_width .">\n";
$list .="\n";
if ($columns == 3){
if ($count == 0 || $count == $firstrow || $count == $secondrow) {
if ($count == $secondrow){
$list .= "\n<div class='holdleft noMargin' ". $tug_width .">\n";
$list .="\n";
} else {
$list .= "\n<div class='holdleft' ". $tug_width .">\n";
$list .="\n";
if ($columns == 4){
if ($count == 0 || $count == $firstrow || $count == $secondrow || $count == $thirdrow) {
if ($count == $thirdrow){
$list .= "\n<div class='holdleft noMargin' ". $tug_width .">\n";
$list .="\n";
} else {
$list .= "\n<div class='holdleft' ". $tug_width .">\n";
$list .="\n";
if ($columns == 5){
if ($count == 0 || $count == $firstrow || $count == $secondrow || $count == $thirdrow || $count == $fourthrow ) {
if ($count == $fourthrow){
$list .= "\n<div class='holdleft noMargin' ". $tug_width .">\n";
$list .="\n";
} else {
$list .= "\n<div class='holdleft' ". $tug_width .">\n";
$list .="\n";
$list .= '<div class="tagindex">';
$list .="\n";
$list .='<h4>' . apply_filters( 'the_title', $letter ) . '</h4>';
$list .="\n";
$list .= '<ul class="links">';
$list .="\n";
$i = 0;
uasort( $tags, create_function('$a, $b', 'return strnatcasecmp($a->name, $b->name);') ); // addded 09.02.11
foreach( $tags as $tag ) {
/* exclude tags */
// added 9.28.11
if($tag_count == "yes"){
$mctagmap_count = ' <span class="mctagmap_count">('.$tag->count.')</span>';
$url = attribute_escape( get_tag_link( $tag->term_id ) );
$name = apply_filters( 'the_title', $tag->name );
if($descriptions == "yes"){
$mctagmap_description = '<span class="tagDescription">' . $tag->description . '</span>';
//$name = ucfirst($name);
$counti = $i;
if ($hide == "yes"){
$num2show = $num_show;
$num2show1 = ($num_show +1);
//$toggle = ($options['toggle']);
if ($i != 0 and $i <= $num2show) {
$list .= '<li><a title="' . $name . '" href="' . $url . '">' . $name . '</a>'. $mctagmap_count . $mctagmap_description . '</li>';
$list .="\n";
if ($i > $num2show && $i == $num2show1 && $toggle == "no") {
$list .= "<li class=\"morelink\">"."<a href=\"#x\" class=\"more\">".$more."</a>"."</li>"."\n";
if ($i >= $num2show1){
$list .= '<li class="hideli"><a title="' . $name . '" href="' . $url . '">' . $name . '</a>' . $mctagmap_count . $mctagmap_description . '</li>';
$list .="\n";
} else {
$list .= '<li><a title="' . $name . '" href="' . $url . '">' . $name . '</a>' . $mctagmap_count . $mctagmap_description . '</li>';
$list .="\n";
if ($hide == "yes" && $toggle != "no" && $i == $counti && $i > $num2show) {
$list .= "<li class=\"morelink\">"."<a href=\"#x\" class=\"more\">".$more."</a>"."<a href=\"#x\" class=\"less\">".$toggle."</a>"."</li>"."\n";
$list .= '</ul>';
$list .="\n";
$list .= '</div>';
$list .="\n\n";
if ($columns == 3 || $columns == 2){
if ( $count == $firstrown1 || $count == $secondrown1) {
$list .= "</div>";
if ($columns == 4){
if ( $count == $firstrown1 || $count == $secondrown1 || $count == $thirdrow1) {
$list .= "</div>";
if ($columns == 5){
if ( $count == $firstrown1 || $count == $secondrown1 || $count == $thirdrow1 || $count == $fourthrow1) {
$list .= "</div>";
$list .="</div>";
$list .= "<div style='clear: both;'></div></div><!-- end list -->";
else $list .= '<p>Sorry, but no tags were found</p>';
return $list;
add_shortcode("mctagmap", "sc_mcTagMap");
// end shortcode
function mctagmap_donate($links, $file) {
$plugin = plugin_basename(__FILE__);
// create link
if ($file == $plugin) {
return array_merge( $links, array( sprintf( '<a href="" target="_blank">Donate to mctagmap development</a>', $plugin, __('Donate') ) ));
return $links;
add_filter( 'plugin_row_meta', 'mctagmap_donate', 10, 2 );
// the JS and CSS
add_action('wp_head', 'mcTagMapCSSandJS');
function mcTagMapCSSandJS(){
$mctagmapVersionNumber = "8.0";
$mctagmapCSSpath = './wp-content/themes/'.get_template().'/multi-column-tag-map/mctagmap.css';
echo "\n";
echo '<link rel="stylesheet" href="'.$mctagmapCSSpath.'?ver='.$mctagmapVersionNumber.'" type="text/css" media="screen" />';
} else {
echo '<link rel="stylesheet" href="'.WP_PLUGIN_URL.'/multi-column-tag-map/mctagmap.css?ver='.$mctagmapVersionNumber.'" type="text/css" media="screen" />';
echo "\n";
echo '<script type="text/javascript" src="'.WP_PLUGIN_URL.'/multi-column-tag-map/mctagmap.js?ver='.$mctagmapVersionNumber.'"></script>';
echo "\n\n";
// overwrite single_tag_title()
add_filter('single_tag_title', 'mctagmap_single_tag_title', 1, 2);
function mctagmap_single_tag_title($prefix = '') {
global $wp_query;
if ( !is_tag() )
$tag = $wp_query->get_queried_object();
if ( ! $tag )
$my_tag_name = str_replace('|', '', $tag->name);
if ( !empty($my_tag_name) ) {
if ( $display )
echo $prefix . $my_tag_name;
return $my_tag_name;
Customize Multi-Column Tag Map to fetch specific post-type
I'm using a plugin called "Multi-Column Tag Map" that lets you display all tags that were used and arrange them in a alphabetical order. This plugin works fine in a regular post-type but It's not working on a custom post-type that I created. I created a new post-type called 'books' and has an additional taxonomy(Tags) of 'Writers' and 'Tags'.
I followed this to create my custom post type:
How do i customize this to fetch my tags from my custom post-type?
This is the plugin code:
Plugin Name: Multi-column Tag Map
Plugin URI:
Description: Multi-column Tag Map displays a columnized and alphabetical (English) listing of all tags used in your site similar to the index pages of a book.
Version: 8.0
Author: Alan Jackson
Author URI:
/* Copyright 2009-2011 Alan Jackson (alan[at]
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
function wp_mcTagMap($options='') {
$ns_options = array(
"columns" => "2",
"more" => "View More",
"hide" => "no",
"num_show" => "5",
"toggle" => "no",
"show_empty" => "yes",
if(strpos($options, '|')) {
$options = explode("|",$options);
} else {
$options = explode("&",$options);
foreach ($options as $option) {
$parts = explode("=",$option);
$options[$parts[0]] = $parts[1];
if ($options['columns']) {
$ns_options['columns'] = $options['columns'];
} else {
$options['columns'] = 2;
if ($options['more']) {
$ns_options['more'] = htmlentities($options['more'], ENT_QUOTES);
} else {
$options['more'] = "View more";
if ($options['hide']) {
$ns_options['hide'] = $options['hide'];
} else {
$options['hide'] = "no";
if ($options['num_show']) {
$ns_options['num_show'] = $options['num_show'];
} else {
$options['num_show'] = 5;
if ($options['toggle']) {
$ns_options['toggle'] = $options['toggle'];
} else {
$options['toggle'] = "no";
if ($options['show_empty']) {
$ns_options['show_empty'] = $options['show_empty'];
} else {
$options['show_empty'] = "yes";
$show_empty = $options['show_empty'];
if($show_empty == "yes"){
$show_empty = "0";
if($show_empty == "no"){
$show_empty = "1";
$list = '<!-- begin list --><div id="mcTagMap">';
$tags = get_terms('post_tag', 'order=ASC&hide_empty='.$show_empty.''); // new code!
$groups = array();
if( $tags && is_array( $tags ) ) {
foreach( $tags as $tag ) {
$first_letter = strtoupper( $tag->name[0] );
$groups[ $first_letter ][] = $tag;
if( !empty ( $groups ) ) {
$count = 0;
$howmany = count($groups);
// this makes 2 columns
if ($options['columns'] == 2){
$firstrow = ceil($howmany * 0.5);
$secondrow = ceil($howmany * 1);
$firstrown1 = ceil(($howmany * 0.5)-1);
$secondrown1 = ceil(($howmany * 1)-0);
//this makes 3 columns
if ($options['columns'] == 3){
$firstrow = ceil($howmany * 0.33);
$secondrow = ceil($howmany * 0.66);
$firstrown1 = ceil(($howmany * 0.33)-1);
$secondrown1 = ceil(($howmany * 0.66)-1);
//this makes 4 columns
if ($options['columns'] == 4){
$firstrow = ceil($howmany * 0.25);
$secondrow = ceil(($howmany * 0.5)+1);
$firstrown1 = ceil(($howmany * 0.25)-1);
$secondrown1 = ceil(($howmany * 0.5)-0);
$thirdrow = ceil(($howmany * 0.75)-0);
$thirdrow1 = ceil(($howmany * 0.75)-1);
//this makes 5 columns
if ($options['columns'] == 5){
$firstrow = ceil($howmany * 0.2);
$firstrown1 = ceil(($howmany * 0.2)-1);
$secondrow = ceil(($howmany * 0.4));
$secondrown1 = ceil(($howmany * 0.4)-1);
$thirdrow = ceil(($howmany * 0.6)-0);
$thirdrow1 = ceil(($howmany * 0.6)-1);
$fourthrow = ceil(($howmany * 0.8)-0);
$fourthrow1 = ceil(($howmany * 0.8)-1);
foreach( $groups as $letter => $tags ) {
if ($options['columns'] == 2){
if ($count == 0 || $count == $firstrow || $count == $secondrow) {
if ($count == $firstrow){
$list .= "\n<div class='holdleft noMargin'>\n";
$list .="\n";
} else {
$list .= "\n<div class='holdleft'>\n";
$list .="\n";
if ($options['columns'] == 3){
if ($count == 0 || $count == $firstrow || $count == $secondrow) {
if ($count == $secondrow){
$list .= "\n<div class='holdleft noMargin'>\n";
$list .="\n";
} else {
$list .= "\n<div class='holdleft'>\n";
$list .="\n";
if ($options['columns'] == 4){
if ($count == 0 || $count == $firstrow || $count == $secondrow || $count == $thirdrow) {
if ($count == $thirdrow){
$list .= "\n<div class='holdleft noMargin'>\n";
$list .="\n";
} else {
$list .= "\n<div class='holdleft'>\n";
$list .="\n";
if ($options['columns'] == 5){
if ($count == 0 || $count == $firstrow || $count == $secondrow || $count == $thirdrow || $count == $fourthrow ) {
if ($count == $fourthrow){
$list .= "\n<div class='holdleft noMargin'>\n";
$list .="\n";
} else {
$list .= "\n<div class='holdleft'>\n";
$list .="\n";
$list .= '<div class="tagindex">';
$list .="\n";
$list .='<h4>' . apply_filters( 'the_title', $letter ) . '</h4>';
$list .="\n";
$list .= '<ul class="links">';
$list .="\n";
$i = 0;
foreach( $tags as $tag ) {
$url = attribute_escape( get_tag_link( $tag->term_id ) );
$name = apply_filters( 'the_title', $tag->name );
// $name = ucfirst($name);
$counti = $i;
if ($options['hide'] == "yes"){
$num2show = $options['num_show'];
$num2show1 = ($options['num_show'] +1);
$toggle = ($options['toggle']);
if ($i != 0 and $i <= $num2show) {
$list .= '<li><a title="' . $name . '" href="' . $url . '">' . $name . '</a></li>';
$list .="\n";
if ($i > $num2show && $i == $num2show1 && $toggle == "no") {
$list .= "<li class=\"morelink\">"."<a href=\"#x\" class=\"more\">".$options['more']."</a>"."</li>"."\n";
if ($i >= $num2show1){
$list .= '<li class="hideli"><a title="' . $name . '" href="' . $url . '">' . $name . '</a></li>';
$list .="\n";
} else {
$list .= '<li><a title="' . $name . '" href="' . $url . '">' . $name . '</a></li>';
$list .="\n";
if ($options['hide'] == "yes" && $toggle != "no" && $i == $counti && $i > $num2show) {
$list .= "<li class=\"morelink\">"."<a href=\"#x\" class=\"more\">".$options['more']."</a>"."<a href=\"#x\" class=\"less\">".$options['toggle']."</a>"."</li>"."\n";
$list .= '</ul>';
$list .="\n";
$list .= '</div>';
$list .="\n\n";
if ($options['columns'] == 3 || $options['columns'] == 2){
if ( $count == $firstrown1 || $count == $secondrown1) {
$list .= "</div>";
if ($options['columns'] == 4){
if ( $count == $firstrown1 || $count == $secondrown1 || $count == $thirdrow1) {
$list .= "</div>";
if ($options['columns'] == 5){
if ( $count == $firstrown1 || $count == $secondrown1 || $count == $thirdrow1 || $count == $fourthrow1) {
$list .= "</div>";
$list .="</div>";
$list .= "<div style='clear: both;'></div></div><!-- end list -->";
else $list .= '<p>Sorry, but no tags were found</p>';
print $list ;
// end long code
// short code begins
function sc_mcTagMap($atts, $content = null) {
"columns" => "2",
"more" => "View More",
"hide" => "no",
"num_show" => "5",
"toggle" => "no",
"show_empty" => "yes",
"name_divider" => "|", // added 09.02.11
"tag_count" => "no",
"exclude" => "",
"descriptions" => "no",
"width" => "",
"equal" => "no",
), $atts));
if($show_empty == "yes"){
$show_empty = "0";
if($show_empty == "no"){
$show_empty = "1";
$tug_width = "style=\"width: ". $width ."px;\"";
if($equal == "yes" && $columns != "1"){
$equalize = 'mcEqualize';
if($toggle != "no"){
$toggable = "toggleYes";
} else {
$toggable = "toggleNo";
$list = '<!-- begin list --><div id="mcTagMap" class="'.$equalize.' '.$toggable.'">';
$tags = get_terms('post_tag', 'order=ASC&hide_empty='.$show_empty.''); // new code!
/* exclude tags */
foreach($tags as $tag){
$fl = mb_substr($tag->name,0,1);
$ll = mb_substr($tag->name,1);
$tag->name = $fl.$ll;
if (preg_match('/(?<=^|[^\p{L}])' . preg_quote($tag->name,'/') . '(?=[^\p{L}]|$)/ui', $exclude)) {
$groups = array();
if( $tags && is_array( $tags ) ) {
foreach( $tags as $tag ) {
/* exclude tags */
// added 09.02.11
if (strlen(strstr($tag->name, $name_divider))>0) {
$tag->name = preg_replace("/\s*([\\".$name_divider."])\s*/", "$1", $tag->name);
$tagParts = explode($name_divider, $tag->name);
$tag->name = $tagParts[1].', '.$tagParts[0];
$first_letter = mb_strtoupper( mb_substr($tag->name,0,1) ); /* Thanks to Birgir Erlendsson */
$groups[ $first_letter ][] = $tag;
if( !empty ( $groups ) ) {
$count = 0;
$howmany = count($groups);
// this makes 2 columns
if ($columns == 2){
$firstrow = ceil($howmany * 0.5);
$secondrow = ceil($howmany * 1);
$firstrown1 = ceil(($howmany * 0.5)-1);
$secondrown1 = ceil(($howmany * 1)-0);
//this makes 3 columns
if ($columns == 3){
$firstrow = ceil($howmany * 0.33);
$secondrow = ceil($howmany * 0.66);
$firstrown1 = ceil(($howmany * 0.33)-1);
$secondrown1 = ceil(($howmany * 0.66)-1);
//this makes 4 columns
if ($columns == 4){
$firstrow = ceil($howmany * 0.25);
$secondrow = ceil(($howmany * 0.5)+1);
$firstrown1 = ceil(($howmany * 0.25)-1);
$secondrown1 = ceil(($howmany * 0.5)-0);
$thirdrow = ceil(($howmany * 0.75)-0);
$thirdrow1 = ceil(($howmany * 0.75)-1);
//this makes 5 columns
if ($columns == 5){
$firstrow = ceil($howmany * 0.2);
$firstrown1 = ceil(($howmany * 0.2)-1);
$secondrow = ceil(($howmany * 0.4));
$secondrown1 = ceil(($howmany * 0.4)-1);
$thirdrow = ceil(($howmany * 0.6)-0);
$thirdrow1 = ceil(($howmany * 0.6)-1);
$fourthrow = ceil(($howmany * 0.8)-0);
$fourthrow1 = ceil(($howmany * 0.8)-1);
foreach( $groups as $letter => $tags ) {
if ($columns == 2){
if ($count == 0 || $count == $firstrow || $count == $secondrow) {
if ($count == $firstrow){
$list .= "\n<div class='holdleft noMargin' ". $tug_width .">\n";
$list .="\n";
} else {
$list .= "\n<div class='holdleft' ". $tug_width .">\n";
$list .="\n";
if ($columns == 3){
if ($count == 0 || $count == $firstrow || $count == $secondrow) {
if ($count == $secondrow){
$list .= "\n<div class='holdleft noMargin' ". $tug_width .">\n";
$list .="\n";
} else {
$list .= "\n<div class='holdleft' ". $tug_width .">\n";
$list .="\n";
if ($columns == 4){
if ($count == 0 || $count == $firstrow || $count == $secondrow || $count == $thirdrow) {
if ($count == $thirdrow){
$list .= "\n<div class='holdleft noMargin' ". $tug_width .">\n";
$list .="\n";
} else {
$list .= "\n<div class='holdleft' ". $tug_width .">\n";
$list .="\n";
if ($columns == 5){
if ($count == 0 || $count == $firstrow || $count == $secondrow || $count == $thirdrow || $count == $fourthrow ) {
if ($count == $fourthrow){
$list .= "\n<div class='holdleft noMargin' ". $tug_width .">\n";
$list .="\n";
} else {
$list .= "\n<div class='holdleft' ". $tug_width .">\n";
$list .="\n";
$list .= '<div class="tagindex">';
$list .="\n";
$list .='<h4>' . apply_filters( 'the_title', $letter ) . '</h4>';
$list .="\n";
$list .= '<ul class="links">';
$list .="\n";
$i = 0;
uasort( $tags, create_function('$a, $b', 'return strnatcasecmp($a->name, $b->name);') ); // addded 09.02.11
foreach( $tags as $tag ) {
/* exclude tags */
// added 9.28.11
if($tag_count == "yes"){
$mctagmap_count = ' <span class="mctagmap_count">('.$tag->count.')</span>';
$url = attribute_escape( get_tag_link( $tag->term_id ) );
$name = apply_filters( 'the_title', $tag->name );
if($descriptions == "yes"){
$mctagmap_description = '<span class="tagDescription">' . $tag->description . '</span>';
//$name = ucfirst($name);
$counti = $i;
if ($hide == "yes"){
$num2show = $num_show;
$num2show1 = ($num_show +1);
//$toggle = ($options['toggle']);
if ($i != 0 and $i <= $num2show) {
$list .= '<li><a title="' . $name . '" href="' . $url . '">' . $name . '</a>'. $mctagmap_count . $mctagmap_description . '</li>';
$list .="\n";
if ($i > $num2show && $i == $num2show1 && $toggle == "no") {
$list .= "<li class=\"morelink\">"."<a href=\"#x\" class=\"more\">".$more."</a>"."</li>"."\n";
if ($i >= $num2show1){
$list .= '<li class="hideli"><a title="' . $name . '" href="' . $url . '">' . $name . '</a>' . $mctagmap_count . $mctagmap_description . '</li>';
$list .="\n";
} else {
$list .= '<li><a title="' . $name . '" href="' . $url . '">' . $name . '</a>' . $mctagmap_count . $mctagmap_description . '</li>';
$list .="\n";
if ($hide == "yes" && $toggle != "no" && $i == $counti && $i > $num2show) {
$list .= "<li class=\"morelink\">"."<a href=\"#x\" class=\"more\">".$more."</a>"."<a href=\"#x\" class=\"less\">".$toggle."</a>"."</li>"."\n";
$list .= '</ul>';
$list .="\n";
$list .= '</div>';
$list .="\n\n";
if ($columns == 3 || $columns == 2){
if ( $count == $firstrown1 || $count == $secondrown1) {
$list .= "</div>";
if ($columns == 4){
if ( $count == $firstrown1 || $count == $secondrown1 || $count == $thirdrow1) {
$list .= "</div>";
if ($columns == 5){
if ( $count == $firstrown1 || $count == $secondrown1 || $count == $thirdrow1 || $count == $fourthrow1) {
$list .= "</div>";
$list .="</div>";
$list .= "<div style='clear: both;'></div></div><!-- end list -->";
else $list .= '<p>Sorry, but no tags were found</p>';
return $list;
add_shortcode("mctagmap", "sc_mcTagMap");
// end shortcode
function mctagmap_donate($links, $file) {
$plugin = plugin_basename(__FILE__);
// create link
if ($file == $plugin) {
return array_merge( $links, array( sprintf( '<a href="" target="_blank">Donate to mctagmap development</a>', $plugin, __('Donate') ) ));
return $links;
add_filter( 'plugin_row_meta', 'mctagmap_donate', 10, 2 );
// the JS and CSS
add_action('wp_head', 'mcTagMapCSSandJS');
function mcTagMapCSSandJS(){
$mctagmapVersionNumber = "8.0";
$mctagmapCSSpath = './wp-content/themes/'.get_template().'/multi-column-tag-map/mctagmap.css';
echo "\n";
echo '<link rel="stylesheet" href="'.$mctagmapCSSpath.'?ver='.$mctagmapVersionNumber.'" type="text/css" media="screen" />';
} else {
echo '<link rel="stylesheet" href="'.WP_PLUGIN_URL.'/multi-column-tag-map/mctagmap.css?ver='.$mctagmapVersionNumber.'" type="text/css" media="screen" />';
echo "\n";
echo '<script type="text/javascript" src="'.WP_PLUGIN_URL.'/multi-column-tag-map/mctagmap.js?ver='.$mctagmapVersionNumber.'"></script>';
echo "\n\n";
// overwrite single_tag_title()
add_filter('single_tag_title', 'mctagmap_single_tag_title', 1, 2);
function mctagmap_single_tag_title($prefix = '') {
global $wp_query;
if ( !is_tag() )
$tag = $wp_query->get_queried_object();
if ( ! $tag )
$my_tag_name = str_replace('|', '', $tag->name);
if ( !empty($my_tag_name) ) {
if ( $display )
echo $prefix . $my_tag_name;
return $my_tag_name;