Edited to add code snippets (just the relevant stuff, these are NOT complete):
// From WP template file:
// This is well-formed and on the other end the plugin can print_r() the
// unserialized $args just fine
<?php echo do_shortcode('[cptgm ' . serialize($args) . ']'); ?>
// From plugin class file:
private query_args;
public function get_query_args() {
if (!empty($this->query_args)) {
return $this->query_args;
return false;
public function set_query_args($newArgs) {
if (empty($newArgs)) {
return false;
$this->query_args = $newArgs;
public function render_map_shortcode($atts = [], $content = null, $shortcode_tag = '') {
// We know from doing a print_r() of $this->get_query_args immediately after
// this line that the property is set and can be accessed
// This is the method called via AJAX and is the only time in the plugin
// that we seem to have an issue. When called via AJAX, we can't print_r()
// here, but the return value is an empty array ONLY when we replace a hard-coded
// $args with $this->get_query_args(), which works everywhere else
public function get_data_from_custom_fields() {
$return_data = [];
$args = $this->get_query_args();
// If we hard-code the $args, the WP_Query works fine and echos JSON
// as a response to the JS file just fine. Only when we try and use
// $this->get_query_args(); does the plugin end up echoing back $return_data
// as an empty array (the way it was initialized above)
// This is what led us to believe that, in the AJAX context,
// $this->get_query_args(); didn't seem to be supplying the $args we knew where
// there when the same getter was called from other methods
$wp_query = new WP_Query($args);
// ... echo/return results from $wp_query as JSON to the calling JS file
// From the plugin's JS file:
function cptgmRenderMap() {
console.log('[CPTGM] Rendering map...');
cptgmData = {
'action': 'get_data_from_custom_fields'
$.post(ajax_object.ajax_url, cptgmData, function(response) {
var parsedResponse = JSON.parse(response);
// Setup map markers, etc. EXCEPT that the return JSON is now empty
// ...