I'd like it so that when a user creates a profile, there is a custom form that states "ID Number", which is then semirandomly generated. So, for example, if Joe creates an account, he'll be asked a bunch of custom field questions and then get automatically generated a field stating:
User ID: LEF2309824 , where the first 3 characters are preset and the numbers following are within a set of parameters. This number would then be tied to the users account.
I haven't committed to a user system, and I'm not really sure where to start with this problem. The thing about this is that the randomly generated number needs to then be searchable by any user entering the site.
For example, Bill comes on and wants to check Joe's ID. He can then type LEF2309824 into a search field which then would pull up Joe's profile.
I'm currently reading about get_users, and maybe that is a possible solution to the searching, but I'm not certain about the number generation still.