I created a Wordpress website. Spent a couple of weeks to customized its CSS, PHP, Posts, uploading images, etc to be the how I wanted. BUT when I uploaded it to the server, all of my settings I have created were lost and went to default itself.
The way I uploaded it:
- uploaded .htacces to public_html
- uploaded the wordpress directory contents to the same folder
- exported the .sql database from local phpMyAdmin
- replaced all localhost/mysite/wordpress and localhost:8012/mysite/wordpress to www.mysite.com (the port is specified because there was a problem with apache, so I had to configure it)
- created a database in cpanel
- created a user in cpanel
- in phpMyAdmin on server imported the database
The way I uploaded it:
- uploaded .htacces to public_html
- uploaded the wordpress directory contents to the same folder
- exported the .sql database from local phpMyAdmin
- replaced all localhost/mysite/wordpress and localhost:8012/mysite/wordpress to www.mysite.com (the port is specified because there was a problem with apache, so I had to configure it)
- created a database in cpanel
- created a user in cpanel
- in phpMyAdmin on server imported the database
Does anyone know how to fix this?